Random Post #6

Things have been crazy in the lab recently; I’ve been trying to generate data for a grant renewal. I thought things were going to calm down a bit now that it has been submitted, but it appears that I can keep dreaming. I have a big meeting and a few presentations to give this month.

While we haven’t given much political commentary recently, our friends have, offering up post on both Spitzer and Obama.

I forgot to post about March Madness and the NCAA Tourney. The first tip off is in a few hours, making it too late for everyone to get their picks in, so there will be no Cody Report bracket pool this year. We saved a box of Thin Mints to give to the winner again, but I guess we will just have to eat them ourselves. .. I am taking Memphis all the way!

5 thoughts on “Random Post #6

  1. Bill and I are pulling for Memphis, our alma mater. Go Tigers go, go on to victory, be a winner through and through. (First line of the fight song. Sorry, I got a little carried away.)

  2. Being a Wake Forest grad, I have to pull for the ACC… Go Heels!!
    Crystal (my college friend and line sister would be so proud. She is the biggest Tarheels fan I know).

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