
Will skip past the staying at the lab until 5am Friday and the dog poop on my doormat incident… Early Friday morning I, like so many others, set out to buy an iPhone. At 9:30am I found myself at an AT&T store with a line two blocks long. When I spoke to one of the store employees, I was shocked to learn that was not the line to buy an iPhone. They had sold out of iPhones an hour ago. The line in front of the store was to pay for a phone and come back later when the store received more shipments and then wait in another line… on Tuesday. Luckily, we have two Apple stores in Denver and the boss was expecting me in late; It was his experiment that keep me in the lab until 5am. I made my way over to the Cherry Creek mall location figuring I would have to wait in line 45 minutes to an hour. Surely the line would not be very long. Most people have 9 to 5 jobs. Well, the line stretched the entire distance of the mall and began to loop back around. There had to be more that 500 people. I sucked it up, went to work and figured that the madness would be over on Saturday and I could walk right into the store and get one. When I arrived at the mall on Saturday the line was much shorter, but still an estimated 3 hrs long. If Kyllan had been there I may have actually waited. We could have chatted a little bit. We could have taken turns walking around the mall. But, I was by myself and at this point my excitement had started to dwindle. I made a final attempt Sunday. No line. I walked straight into the store… Only to be told they were sold out.

Now what? I am not really excited anymore. It’s time for a new phone, but I am not waiting in line for one. If things calm down and supply seems steady, I may make another attempt this week. If not, it may be a while.

4 thoughts on “iFustration

  1. I agree. No point in staying in line anyway. 75% of those people probably only wanted the new iphone just to say “I got the new iphone.” Wait until the initial craze is over (and any bugs are sorted out) and then get one. That’s my plan anyway. How’s the exercising going guys?

  2. I don’t know about switching because AT&T gets such a bad signal at my house, but the iphone is tempting. I’m still happy with my razr. I still like the idea of a phone being just a phone. I just want to continue to encourage you guys to exercise, and remember I think that 70% of losing weight is diet (well at least that’s what I tell my patients).

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