Wii love Wii Fit!!

I finally found a Wii Fit!!!  After several failed attempts over the past couple of months to find one, I thought that this past weekend would end in success since one of the sales associates at Circuit City told me they usually get Wii Fit’s in on the first Sunday of the month.   Well, I went to Circuit City on Sunday around noon and they were already sold out of the Wii’s they got in that morning.  The manager told me that there was a line outside when he arrived to work at 7am.  Really??!!  Wow.  I called several other stores and they had similar situations…received some that morning, but were already sold out.  Most stores only seem to get between 3-6 per shipment.  I still don’t understand why high demand item production is so scarce!

Anyway… the guy at the Game Stop near where I work told me they usually get one on Tuesday, Wednesday, or Thursday, so just call the store and ask if they got any in.  So… I figured that was my best option (to try to find one at a store near work instead of waiting till the weekend and going to Circuit City, Best Buy, Walmart, or Toys R Us.)  Well… today, I called Game Stop at the end of the day, and calmly asked, “Do you have any Wii Fit’s?” and waited for the disappointing news.  BUT… he said, in a voice like I had just found a clue to a $1million dollar puzzle, “Actually… we do!”   At this point, I became very excited over the phone and said, “really?!  Great!”  He explained that he couldn’t hold it, to which I quickly responded, “No problem, I am on my way!”.  I was literally running through the parking lot to my car and calling William to share the great news.   When I arrived at the store, the guy says… “You weren’t lying when you said you were on your way”  The mall is about 5 minutes from where I work.  I purchased Wii Fit #3 of 4 they had received the previous day.  I was so excited!!

Despite my excitement and anxiousness to try it out.  I still went to my usual Wednesday Turbo Kick Class to make sure I got a high fat-burning workout since I figured my first day on Wii Fit would be fairly low impact.  Although the beginning started a bit slow as you learn the games, I will admit that the they do get progressively harder and higher in impact and I was very impressed!  The best thing about Wii Fit is that is focuses on aerobic activity, strength training, Yoga, and most importantly balance.  I guess they don’t call it a “balance board” for nothing!  All of the activities incorporate balance since they want you to work on good posture and overall fitness.  I think that is great!!   Even though I knew that strength training was important and Yoga is a good idea, this brought it all into perspective.  I really love it!!  I did pretty well on the aerobics (Ski Jump was by far my best event) and very well on the strength straining exercises and surprisingly well at the Yoga exercises I did (I am not very good at Yoga).  The balance exercises… that was another story.  I am not good at those (although I was good when it came to balance with strength training).  There is a balance game where you have to head bump the soccer balls, but dodge the other objects that come flying in your face (like cleats and other random objects) and let’s just say that I was horrible at that.  I would be black and blue if that were real 🙂  I did pretty good at Hula Hoop though and was able to unlock the Advanced Hula Hoop.  I thought I would be superb at Step, but you have to step at the “perfect time”, so I was not as stellar as I thought I would be, but I did manage to unlock the Advanced Step (I should explain here that as you get “better”, it unlocks new games, yoga poses, etc.).  I love how when you don’t do well, they play this depressing music.  That is hilarious to me.

I have to say that the best thing about Wii Fit is he tracking mechanism.  It can track your weight and BMI over time and it even graphs your progress!!  You an set timelines to reach certain goals, like lose 5 lbs in 1 month, etc.  You can also complete the balance test each day to track your progress with that, which I definitely need to do.

Ok… well, I am sure you get the drift of my excitement by now.  I played around on it for about 2 hours, but it is after midnight now, so I need to go to bed (and call William back since I was too excited pre-occupied with the games when he called earlier… all he could do was laugh).  I definitely recommend this to anyone thinking of getting one (or even those not thinking of getting one) although it seems like many of our friends have one! I think this will really help me keep up with my workouts and fitness and weight loss goals, which is exciting!

6 thoughts on “Wii love Wii Fit!!

  1. Ooh sounds fun! I’m so late with Wii. I just played it for the first time 3 weeks ago when we went to hang out with family friends. I was sore for 3 days just from the boxing game! I’ll definitely be putting that on my Christmas wish list 🙂

  2. I suck at soccer, but oddly enough, Samaya is really good at it. I think its amazing that there is a game that a thirty-something & a three-year-old can both play. Todd may convince me yet–that is if we can find one.

  3. Congrats on the Wii Fit. Tami is a monster at it. She’ll play while I workout. There’s also a Wii Ski game that uses the balance board, too. Keep up the good work.

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