Ithaca is Cold

Ithaca is Cold, originally uploaded by Kyllan.

So those that have been to Ithaca before know that Ithaca is known for having the “Ithaca is Gorges” shirts and bumper stickers everywhere. (by the way….if you don’t know what a gorge is, it’s synonymous with canyon and the ones in Ithaca usually have waterfalls throughout these canyons. It is actually very pretty…. when it’s warm that is). Anyway…. people are now creating spoofs of the “Ithaca is Gorges”. Above is a favorite of William and I. We think this best defines Ithaca. While I was there this past weekend, the high on Saturday was in the low 50s and the low was in the 30s… IN MAY!!!!

Rain Rain Go Away….

It rained again on Monday morning, so still no foundation 🙁 There is a slight chance for rain on Tuesday evening, but besides that, the week looks pretty c lear of rain. So, hopefully I will have a foundation this week. I know I am anxious, but besides getting married, this is the most exciting thing I have done in my life thus far.

Construction Update

Another view of the steps, originally uploaded by Kyllan.

As William already mentioned, I am building a house in Rockwall, TX. I am VERY excited about this project! It will be one less thing William and I will have to worry about once we are married. The foundation is supposed to be poured tomorrow, May 4th, but rain is in the forcast the rest of the week, so I probably won’t have a foundation until next week 🙁
I will send updates and pictures as things progress, but you can always check my Flickr photo site for the most up to date photos.


I guess I will give this blog a try. William is very excited about the site and is convinced I will be too. I do like how it is a good way to keep everyone updated on what William and I are up to during this exciting period in our lives. So…. I look forward to blogging!