6 thoughts on “New pictures of the house!

  1. The progress is impressive. Bill and I look forward to
    seeing the house when we are in Dallas two weeks from

  2. The house is looking good. It is always exiting to see brick go up, as it symbolizes the end of the exterior building
    process. I’m looking forward to seeing the house in person very soon. I’m so proud of you Kyllan! Oh, and Drew
    wants to know where his room is in “Aunt Ky Ky’s” house. William, once you move into your house, I’m sure Rob will help you hook
    up all of your electronic and entertainment equipment.

  3. Sorry…I missed the “c” in exciting. I really CAN spell…trust me! Kyllan, are you having a housewarming party? Let
    me know so that I can help.

  4. I am glad everyone likes the house. Yes, good progress is happening again. The walls
    have been textured and are ready for paint. They will begin painting this week and
    installing the cabinets. The contractor told me that they should be done painting
    by the end of the week! So… maybe the August 30th date will turn out to be closing
    after all, which would be wonderful.
    I do plan to have a housewarming party, but it probably won’t be until I am fully
    unpacked and settled, so probably sometime in October.

  5. Hey Kyllan it looks really nice…. We are so proud of you. You go girl. By the time, I get there next year everything will be done and in place. Just think, Kyllan is a home owner and a new home owner at that!!!!!!

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