Happy Sweetest Day!

Ok… so most of you probably have no idea what I am talking about, but for anyone from Cleveland or Detroit, you may identify. My sister reminded me that today is Sweetest Day. Click on the link to learn more about it. Most say Hallmark invented it, but people in Cleveland treat it as a bona fide holiday. My sister was saying that she remembers in high school how you had the opportunity to buy a carnation to give to someone on the Friday before Sweetest Day. I failed to ask her if she bought any carnations πŸ™‚

As William said, sorry we have been bad at posting lately. Work has been extremely busy, but we are going to try to do a better job of keeping up.

8 thoughts on “Happy Sweetest Day!

  1. Yeah, I never really heard about it until I moved to the midwest. As one great scholar posted recently: “Sounds fake to me.”

  2. Aw, you guys are party poopers! I hope that Kyllan and all the other sweet ladies on this board had a great Sweetest Day!

  3. I thought it was cute when the Chicago Club tried to bring it to Xavier, but then again I never did get/give a carnation πŸ™

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