Random Post #3

Too much has been going at the lab for me to do anything that may be interesting enough to post about. I have a lot I am trying to get done before I leave for Dallas on Sunday.

I put a news section in the right hand toolbar. I will be linking some off-beat and tech news along with stories from some of my favorite columnist there. (Like the Ronny Thompson/Ball State mess which has been ignored by the mainstream media in favor of Michael Vick.) Take a peek every now and then when you get bored.

Did anybody see Superbad this past weekend? It has been getting really good reviews. I might try to see it next week with Kyllan.

I had some more random things to say, but I forgot.

I’ve been going through some old pictures for my mom. Below is one of my favorites.

5 thoughts on “Random Post #3

  1. Awwww!

    Have a safe trip to Dallas. I can’t believe the “Big” day is almost here. I’m really looking forward to being there as Kyllan and you begin your new life together as husband and wife.

    Best wishes to you both as you take care of the last minute details. Hopefully there won’t be too many; and you will be able to relax and enjoy all the days leading up to your special day. See you soon!

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