Domestic Duties

So as you may already know, William is back in the lab. I actually made the drive back to Denver with him last Saturday and it actually wasn’t that bad. I caught up on all the tech news and previews of Halo 3 by listening to the tech podcasts that he downloaded. Yes… he had enough podcasts to last the whole trip, and we still didn’t make it through all of them (apparently he listens to these on a daily basis, so he had 3 weeks to catch up on).

Anyway… now that I am not planning a wedding anymore and William is back in Denver, I decided to find a new hobby to fill my free time and I thought, what better way to start of a marriage than by taking some cooking classes to perfect my skills. Now… this is when William would chime in a tell you that I don’t cook, but the truth is…. I can cook, I just don’t. My schedule is always so busy (usually 12 hour days and this week I had a 17 hour day since we were working on the business plan and budget). So when I get home, I am usually exhausted and don’t feel like cooking even though I would prefer to do that. However, I decided that hopefully my schedule will calm down a bit to give me more free time, and I definitely want to be able to cook for William once we live under the same roof. So today, I took my first cooking class at the Viking Cooking School. I took a course titled Girls Night out in Vegas that featured several recipes from popular chefs of Vegas restaurants like Emeril and Bobby Flay. The menu included Emeril’s New Orleans Barbecued Shrimp, Emeril’s Petite Rosemary Biscuits, Bobby Flay’s Grilled Fennel-Spiced Pork Chops with Lemon-Sage Vinaigrette, Commander’s Palace Stone-Ground Goat Cheese Grits, and Chocolae & Peanut Butter Ganache Tart. It was a hands on class, so it was great to learn recipes and techniques while chatting with the other students. I had only one mishap when I spilled vinaigrette all over the cooktop, but I was able to salvage it. It was kinda embarassing, but oh well. All the food came out great and I am excited about trying the recipes at home on my own, especially the pork chops since William tends to order pork chops many times when we go out for dinner. I enjoyed the class so much that I think I am going to enroll in the 12 week essential cooking series, which includes classes like making stocks, making sauces, sauteeing and frying, etc… It will definitely allow me to expand my skills.

So… William can rest assured that I will cook more for him and be excited about coming home for dinner.

On an unrelated topic, I would like to share with everyone that Drew (our nephew) asked his mom the following question on Thursday: “Can we go get a brother on Saturday?” My sister tried to explain that brothers are not readily available, and so he asked if she could go get one to put in her belly. Looks like Kim and Rob have some decisions to make šŸ™‚

9 thoughts on “Domestic Duties

  1. Dear Kyllan,
    I am very proud of you. I know the cooking classes will encourage you to try new and exciting dishes. What a wonderful gift for William. By the way, your dad has taken classes at Viking this past year on soups and sauces, stocks, and knife skills. Enjoy.

  2. Sounds fun! One day I need to look into something like that… it needs to be soon considering lately my stove doesn’t get any use.

  3. Good for you taking the cooking class. I wish that I could take my own! (Sarah will be taking her second cooking class in December! LOL!)

    I love the Drew story! That is one for his baby book!

  4. I was on hand the night Kyllan made her porkchops and garlic mashed potatoes at her house last Sunday and everything tasted great. I was very impressed by her meticulous measuring. At some point down the line, though, when she and William’s twins and the other two kids are running around screaming for food, she’ll pick up the phone, order pizza for everyone and run to the nearest open spa for a 2-hour full body massage! Until then, I’m sure William will enjoy her new culinary skills. Good job girl.
    On the subject of Drew, I decline to comment on Drew’s statement.

  5. Good job Drew, grandma and grandpa love you. Just keep praying about your brother and add a sister to that prayer. We’ll add your request to our prayer list! (SMILE)

  6. I am “shushing” all of you and your mumblings about Drew having a sister or brother. His brother Giraffe Nickerson and many friends will suffice for now. Yes, William, you all will have twins. I am praying that Kyllan drops two eggs during your “trying” phase for your second child.

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