Christmas Time is Here!

I picked William up from the airport yesterday, so Christmas came a few days early for me. We have enjoyed being together again and look forward to spending time with each other and with our parents later this week. We don’t really have any specific plans the next couple days besides going to my sister’s house on Christmas day. We went to church this morning and they had the annual Christmas production. It was very nicely done with falling snow, live animals, and more. Pastor Evans also gave a short sermon on reminding us to keep Christ in Christmas this year and every year. He talked about how we get caught up in the gifts, but frequently forget about the Giver of the gifts. It was a good message, right to the point, and several people accepted Christ, which is the ultimate gift.

I decorated the house this year and I really think it looks nice. I am sure we will post pictures at some point. With a few new pieces of furniture and other gifts from the wedding, it is really starting to feel more like a “home”. We are thinking of inviting a few people over tomorrow night to hang out and play Nintendo Wii, so we’ll see what happens. I suggested we see The Great Debaters (a movie that comes out Christmas day starring Denzel Washington and Forrest Whitaker). I have seen previews on tv and on Oprah and it looks good.

In terms of Christmas traditions, William and I hope to start some, but haven’t figured them all out yet. We did decide that each year we would buy a new ornament for the tree and gradually build up. His mom has a story behind just about every ornament on her tree, so I think he wants to do the same. My family didn’t really have any traditions per se besides the usual family gathering and the Chinese Christmas Eve dinner that we have to celebrate my aunt’s Chinese heritage. I will miss fighting for those egg rolls this year! One year we had karoake and that was a lot of fun. Sometimes we even break out in Christmas carols (sounds cheesy, but it really is fun when you get everyone involved). I am sure once kids are in the picture our list of family traditions will grow.

Anyone else have a Christmas tradition they would like to share ?

p.s. the title for this post was b/c I have that song in my head. Toni Braxton has a version on her 2001 Snowflakes album that is so nice.  Click here to enjoy it!

8 thoughts on “Christmas Time is Here!

  1. Don’t forget the men’s Christmas morning breakfast that’s been going on for over 25 years.
    Family gatherings are very important. I truly enjoy cooking and feeding the entire family. Do you remember the Christmas before Terrance and Felicia’s wedding? We hosted the entire Clemons family and ours with over 65 people for dinner. Next Christmas, everyone must come to Cleveland. Christian and family, Kyllan and William, Bill and Betty, Kim, Rob and Drew; Eugene III, Eugene IV, Nicholette, Zavier and Bryan Taylor and Family.

    Our family Christmas present for everyone here in Cleveland including all the Clemons sisters were passes to the movie. Today, eveyone went to see The Great Debaters. WOW!

  2. Kyllan and I took part in a Cody family tradition; we left the TV the 24hr “A Christmas Story” marathon and stopped to watch our favorite scenes over and over again throughout the day.

    Mrs. Brown, how was the Great Debaters? We hoping to see the movie soon.

  3. Yes Kyllan you missed the Egg Rolls. I think I got the last one.
    Also Remember Kwanzaa… This year we invested in Businesses in Africa. Umoja.

    I must say the Great Debaters was excellent. Thanks Aunt Sandra! We had a blast.

    It almost made me cry, but then I thought about this blog and how I had thousands of readers viewing my entries. Once again I balled my hand into a fist, and hit my chest and the rest is history.

  4. William
    It’s educational. I plan to take many students from school to see this movie. Hopefully, they will be inspired to read more, investigate, analyze, communicate and connect to the importance of education.

  5. One of my favorite Christmas traditions was when my mom, Kyllan and I would make cookies for everyone and pack them into tins as gifts. One year we had cooling racks all over the dining table. The sweet, buttery, vanilla-infused aroma is a scent that I always link to Christmas time. In honor of that, I made mom’s signature Nestle Tollhouse recipe chocolate chip cookies inspired by Aunt Nannie. Drew helped and it was alot of fun.
    William and Kyllan, what about getting a small trinket from each city you visit or trip you take that year and dating it? That way when you see a mini flip flop on the tree, it will remind you of your fun vacation on a sandy beach and can be a great source of conversation. You could also take a picture of you two as a couple each year and put it in a small frame ornament. It will be fun when you see the picture go from the two of you to three…four….five and finally seven after the birth of the Cody twins!

  6. Oh…and yes, I agree, Christmas in Cleveland in 2008. I’ve been away for too long and even Rob admitted that no one puts it down like the Curtain/Clemons family at Christmas time. I can’t miss another Chinese dinner or family game either.

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