Oscar Nominations, Writer’s Strike & Movies

The Oscar nominations were released today and “No Country for Old Men” and “There will be Blood” came out with the most. I have not seen either movie as usually is the case with the Oscar nominees. “Juno” was one of the nominations for best picture and as William mentioned, we did see that over the holidays. It will be interesting to see if there will be an awards ceremony this year due to the writer’s strike. I am really starting to wonder how long it will last and what type of programming will remain beyond the strike.

So… b/c it is so cold in Denver, I doubt William and I have many outdoor activities planned. A few movies may be planned. Any recommendations for movies either on video or theaters? Anyone have a favorite movie that they feel EVERYONE should see?

6 thoughts on “Oscar Nominations, Writer’s Strike & Movies

  1. Hi Guys!

    I saw 27 Dresses this past weekend with my sorority sister, and it was really cute (note: I generally see chick flicks with chicks b/c my hubby is the guy who talks through girly movies.

    Also, I need your address. Kenn is taking 3 month photos this weekend, and I’d like to send it.


  2. Jos- I saw 27 Dresses this weekend also. I could care less that it is predictable. I enjoy the care-free chick flicks! William typically won’t go with me either and I was kinda in the mood for laying low this weekend, so I went with me, myself and I 🙂

  3. Kyllan and I went to see 300 during here very first visit to Denver… she tapped about 10 minutes into the movie and ask, “what in the world did you bring me to?” I own Snatch on DVD. I can’t remember if Kyllan watched it with me or not. (“Pikey” subtitles are a must.)

  4. No Country is good…violent and slow, you have to be in the mood for this deep type of movie. Allen and I like the Coen brothers a lot so we enjoyed his movie. Atonement…don’t waste your time. Michael Clayton…entertaining, but I would see No Country first. This was not the best year for movies. I was surprised that Juno was nominated…cute, but not Oscar worthy…but who am I to judge? We are going to see There Will be Blood tomorrow. I will let you guys know how is it.

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