Six Months

Today Kyllan and I celebrate 6 months as man and wife. It’s so amazing how fast the time has passed. We’ve shared so much and there have been so many memories. I’ll save all of that for the anniversary post, it’s a bigger deal. Today, though, I’ll share more video we took while on our honeymoon. Here is the two of us discussing the ceremony.

Wedding Reflections: The Ceremony from William Cody on Vimeo.

3 thoughts on “Six Months

  1. Hrm… The music interruptions were hilarious. Specifically the 2nd one. When I ushered your mother in, the candle went out. But I luckily had a blow-torch in my pocket to fire that sucka back up. -Ceasar D Leos’s Untold Stories of the wedding.

  2. The music thing was crazy. They never played the music that loud, even in the middle in the afternoon. I look forward to hearing more of our you untold stories. Specifically, your impression of your brother being clowned on the dance floor by a little kid.

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