
William and I have been complaining a lot over the past couple months about not being able to fit certain clothes and not being the size that we were in college. He has been losing some weight, but I have watched my weight slowly increase. So…. we are both challenging ourselves to make healthier food choices and exercise on a more consistent basis over the next couple months leading up to our 1 year anniversary. My goal is to lose 15-20 lbs. This will allow me to fit in most of my clothes again. William is also hoping to lose about 20 lbs. I am only posting this on the blog to possibly help keep us accountable for this goal. We will try to post updates on how we are doing. We have both done fairly well this week. I have worked out 3 days straight so far doing my Turbo Kick class on Sunday and the Turbo Jam DVD yesterday and today. William has been biking and working out in the gym. In fact, he plans to participate in Denver’s annual Bike to Work Day tomorrow. We have not finalized the prize for the winner of the challenge, but we’ll keep you posted.

8 thoughts on “Challenge!

  1. I am having the same problem! It’s so hard to stay motivated to go to the gym all the time after a long day at work. I look forward to your posts, hopefully the motivation will rub off 🙂

  2. Click on the “knowledge” section and then click on “300.” I just find the website very motivating. I emailed the owner of the gym, and he was very encouraging. I can’t do the entire workout yet, but I can do half in about 18 minutes. You have to do the entire 300 workout in 30 minutes. It’s the hardest thing I’ve ever done in the gym.

  3. Great idea, guys. It’s all about portion control. Don’t eat a whole plate of food in one sitting. Use a dessert size plate and fill it with fresh fruits and veggies, grilled lean poultry and fish, very little (if any) beef and 100% whole grain pasta, rice and bread. Dried fruits help keep your intestines clean and that helps tremendously with losing weight. Take it from someone who has felt the mid-30’s metabolism slow down. Catch it in your 20’s while you can! You’ll both do great.

  4. Amen ya’ll! Totally agree with Kim. Her plan is truly all that works. Portion control and exercise. Get on it NOW. Allen and I actually went to a debate in radio city moderated by Tim Russert a week before he died. We have to make these issues a priority. Kyllan, I agree girl, classes are awesome…I can’t bring myself to just get on the treadmill and run for an hour like some people, but I will do a fun class:)

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