Exercise Challenge: Week 4 Update

I can’t believe we are already on week 4 of our exercise challenge. I hate to admit it, but so far, William is in the lead. He has been faithfully exercising (running, riding his bike to work, etc). He has been able to lose 4 lbs so far. I did well during Week 1, but Week 2 and 3 were bad for me. The holiday threw a wrench in things and I think I picked up a few pounds. The good news is that I was back to the gym this week doing my Turbo Kick classes and I have making some healthy eating choices with the exception of the desserts at work..it’s killing me! I have a hard time passing up apple cobbler, chocolate cake, or any cake for that matter. So… I am still working on that. I think with a couple pounds added during the holiday and the delay getting back on schedule, I am only down about 1-2lbs. I do plan to commit myself to my exercise routine (I have added it to my calendar at work to make sure I leave on time to get to the gym) and I plan to keep choosing and preparing healthier meals. I know William will continue to do well. Plus, we have Dr. Neil to coach us along he way! (Thanks for your support and advice Neil)

13 thoughts on “Exercise Challenge: Week 4 Update

  1. No problem. Keep it up guys! Kyllan, we bought a wii fit and it is so fun. Tami uses it everyday. The game allows you to practice strength training, aerobics, yoga, and balance. It’s actually really fun. There’s even a game that allows you to jog. It keeps up with your weight and BMI, too. I know they are hard to find, but if you come across one I highly recommend it.

  2. I agree with the good doctor; Wii Fit is really fun. All of the practice components are really cool..the aerobics component even has stepping (Maya’s favorite) in addition to jogging, etc. As a side note, I hold all the balance game records in my house and enjoy taunting…

  3. Keep up the good work guys! Kyllan, I struggle w/ the same issues as far as dessert. I once knew someone that had a “one sweet treat per day rule.” I’ve tried it in the past & it can be pretty effective at forcing you to think about your choice before you go for the cake (especially if you know there will be more sweets to come later in the day). You’re pretty much on the honor system w/ yourself w/ this one, so the more people around you that know the better. The Family Reunion was not good to my hips, so maybe its time for me to implement this one for myself again!

  4. Neil and Jamaal- Wii Fit’s actually exist?! πŸ™‚ William and I really have bee looking for one (or I will say were looking for one). The last time he was in town we looked for one and the clerk at Best Buy or wherever we were just laughed at us. I haven’t tried in a couple weeks, so I will try looking tomorrow. I really really do want one. I have wanted one ever since William sent me the link about it several months before it came out. I think that will definitely help me with my workout routine. I am definitely go out tomorrow to buy one now that I know someone who actually has one. I saw the live demos this past weekend with my Dad at the Taste of Dallas. My dad thought that the demo DVD they gave us was the actual thing πŸ™‚ I was telling him how hard it had been for me to find one. Wow… I am so excited. I hope I find one tomorrow! I will report back. Congrats on all your records Jammal, although maybe I need to hear Maya’s side of the story first πŸ™‚ …just kidding.
    Robyn- That is a good idea with slowly cutting back the sweets. I need to establish a better honor system for myself, but I have been doing better this week. Maybe I should carry around a picture of all the pants I can’t fit into πŸ™‚ (really… I just want to fit the several pairs of pants in my closet again). The family reunion took a toll on me too, but it was worth it!

  5. Try checking a couple of the local K-mart stores too…no one shops there anymore. My sister lucked up an found a K-mart in Chicago that was shipped three of them and she bought them all (one for her, my parents, and us).

  6. William!!!! WE have a Wii Fit and you don’t! (What is this world coming to???? πŸ˜‰ )We pre-ordered and we love it. It will come in really handy when it gets dark out early. The kids love it too!

    Keep up the good work on your Exercise Challenge! Let me know if you need any nutrition tips — it is my hobby! Oh and one rule we have in the house when it comes to sweets and “bad” things. If you don’t buy it, you can’t eat it. There have been many nights when we stand in front of the pantry thinking that something “bad” is going to magically appear — it doesn’t and you’re safe! LOL!

  7. Ok, so I went out o my hunt for a Wii Fit yesterday and…… no one in Dallas has one. I went by Circuit City, Best Buy, Walmart, Game Stop and called several more stores. The Walmart in Rockwall (the suburb I live in) received a shipment of 6 yesterday morning, but the salesperson told me they were gone within 15 minutes. I can’t believe I missed it!! Circuit City says they get a shipment only about once per month (usually the first Sunday of the month). Each store only seems to get between 3-6 games. Jamaal- I would try K-Mart, but we don’t have any here in Dallas anymore. Toys R Us has a bundle package available online, so perhaps that is the best way to get one right now. That is the only thing online that I could find.
    I was looking forward to using the Wii to workout yesterday, but I just went to my old faithful Turbo Kick class instead.

  8. You might be on the right track w/ Toys R Us. We went over to our friends’house tonight & they had a Wii fit & they said that’s where they got their’s (but they actually got it at the store). I have never been much into games, but it was a lot of fun! Even Samaya (3) was able to use it. Todd almost has me convinced that we should get one. Maybe by the time I get on board we’ll actually be able to find one!

  9. Congrats on the weight loss guys! Will if you really want to kick it into high gear try looking into kettlebells. I bought one a month ago and it is very good for cardio and strength training. Google it and see what you think.

  10. Kettlebells? Really? You are getting pretty serious aren’t you? After I lose the next ten pounds I might start doing more strength training.

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