
I was so excited when I heard that Obama would be giving his speech to accept the nomination of the democratic party at Invesco Field. I rushed to sign up for tickets. Well, that feels like months ago. The party finally announced their plan to distribute tickets, and it didn’t sound to promising. Still, Kyllan and my parents were ready to make last minute plans just in case things worked out… Things didn’t work out. I am actually a little angry about how the whole situation played out, but I won’t go into that here.

3 thoughts on “Tickets

  1. Aww… that would’ve been really amazing to go. You know he came to Xavier’s graduation for the class of 2006 and I really didn’t know who he was then. I snapped only like 1 photo of him! Maybe the viewing parties will be nice?

  2. Well I hope things do work out and you can go. He did speak at my graduation and I was obsessed with him even then, but I remember my dad was not impressed. But anyway, maybe another oppurtunity will present itself while hes in Denver.

  3. The Presidential debate is gonna be at Ole Miss next month and my school is having an essay-writing contest to win a ticket (since it is virtually impossible to get one). So hopefully, Ill get chosen to go… Wish me luck!!

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