Election Day Plans

Kyllan and are very excited about Election Day. Kyllan voted early. I requested a mail-in ballot, but what has now become a widely publicised issue and conspiracy theory in Colorado resulted in me receiving the ballot to late to send in. I now plan to drop my ballot off in person on Monday to avoid long lines on the 4th. It looks like Kyllan may be attending an election day party. I, on the other hand, will likely end up watching the results at home. What are your plans for election day? Did you vote early? Are going to the polls on Tuesday? When and where are you planning to watch the results come in?

7 thoughts on “Election Day Plans

  1. Early voting is not allowed in our state, and they are pretty strict about absentee voting. So, I will stand in line on Tuesday. I’ll be able to go during the day. So, I hope the lines will be shorter then.

  2. In Colorado anyone can request a mail in ballot. It’s not even referred to as a absentee ballot here. I think in Texas you have to be disabled or over 65. That is really strange that early voting is not allowed. Do you know why that is? Go to the polls early.

  3. I AM SO EXCITED!!! Yes… I am going to a party tomorrow night b/c I couldn’t sit at home by myself and watch it unfold. I tried to have my own party, but too many conflicts, so I will be attending someone else’s. I had to be sure I didn’t have any early appointments on Wednesday so that I don’t have to rush in after what I am sure will be a long, yet very exciting night. Well… I hope everyone has a hassle free day as we Barack the Vote!! I can’t wait!!

  4. I had the same problem with the absentee ballot! I submitted the application over a month ago and after not receiving it in the mail I called to see where it was. Supposedly they mailed it October 8 and since I called to check on it within 7 days of the election they couldn’t mail me another ballot. So the only way for me to be able to vote would have been to go to my home county (where they sent the absentee ballot) to vote, which is 6 hours away and I have to be at the hospital at 7am.

    So miraculously, the ballot shows up in my mailbox today, the day before the election. In CA it has to be in by 8pm on election day, so I paid $16.50 to have it overnighted and they are “pretty sure” that it’ll make it there, but no guarantees… I’m so upset about this, but I hope my vote makes it to count!!

    (sorry so long)

  5. Apparently, they consider the absentee to be the same as early voting–if you meet certain criteria. Most people just lie and say they won’t be in their precinct on election day so they can vote absentee/early.

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