South Africa

My parents recently took  a trip to South Africa. Below are some comments my mom made about the trip. I was hoping to link to some photos of the trip, but my father hasn’t bothered to upload them yet. I am going to stay on him. Maybe we will see some soon.

We [Bill and Betty] returned from South Africa last week [now three weeks ago] on Monday, October 27th from an eleven day trip.  It was a wonderful trip.  We went with a delegation representing Kappa Alpha Psi Fraternity.  We visited Johannesburg, Sun City (which is a resort city), and Cape Town.  Our trip included a visit to an elementary school and an orphanage.  The group took school supplies to the school and made monetary contributions to the orphanage.  This was the second trip to South Africa for Bill and me.  We were happy to see the growth there since our visit in 2001.  New buildings were going up everywhere and there were lots of street expansions.  Bill had a chance to play golf in Cape Town.  We visited a winery and brought back two bottles of wine.   We visited four museums that explained different aspects of struggles and endurance by the people before and during apartheid.  We saw lively and colorful entertainment and enjoyed several authentic South African meals.  We visited Robben Island where Nelson Mandela spent most of his prison time.  We went to the top of Table Mountain and  enjoyed the spectacular view.Our tour included a botanical garden, and the group even took a safari.  We celebrated our 36th wedding anniversary in South Africa.  It was a day we will always remember, it ended with a candle light steak dinner with our group.  There were champagne toasts and  dancing.  Some members of our group arranged for the pianist to play two love songs just for us.  People in South Africa were very excited about our then up coming election.  I know they celebrated on November 4th with the rest of the world.

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