Season’s Greetings!

Wow… it seems like a long time since we have made a post…. oh wait… it has been a long time.  As you are probably already aware, the site was down a few separate times over the last week, but William worked with the host and I think we have worked out all the glitches.

William and I have had a good December thus far.  We got to see each other on back to back weekends!!  That usually does not happen, so it was great.  He was at home (in Dallas) for Thanksgiving and then back again this past weekend for my company’s Christmas party.  I was very glad he was able to come b/c my boss had spread rumors around about me having a husband who was just a figment of my imagination and did not really exist (jokingly) since most of my co-workers had not met William before, except for a few who met him briefly at the wedding.  So the whole night, people were coming over and saying “you really do exist!” and it was good to introduce him to everyone.  We both had a nice time and stayed overnight in a luxury suite at the hotel that hosted our party, the Adolphus, which is a very luxurious and historic hotel in downtown Dallas that opened in 1912 by Adolphus Busch.  It was awesome!!  The suite was more like an apartment than a hotel room.  You can find pictures on my flickr page.

Well…. I hope everyone is enjoying the Christmas season!

3 thoughts on “Season’s Greetings!

  1. You two look great & like you had a fun time! I know a lot of people complain about the busyiness of this season & all of the functions to attend, but I must say, that going to holiday parties is one of my favorite things to do this time of year!

  2. That’s pretty funny about them thinking that Kyllan made up her husband. My boyfriend had a work Christmas party that I was unable to attend because I was interviewing in Dallas. All of his co-workers were anticipating meeting me since I’ve only met 2 of them. They were joking with him all night that I don’t exist!

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