It’s Beginning to look a lot like Christmas.

I just want to complain about the fact it is now 25 degrees outside and it was 79 degrees yesterday.  Yes… a 55 degree swing.  William doesn’t want to hear it.  It is -7 in Denver right now and I am sure it is much worse with the wind chill.  But… Denver is known for being cold.  Dallas… not so much.  It has been known to see drastic temperature changes, but this was more drastic than usual.  The other thing about cold weather in Dallas is that if it rains and turns into freezing rain, which = ice on the roads, people in Dallas DO NOT know how to drive.  They decide to drive 5 miles per hour, which is a bad idea.  They also like to put on the breaks when they hit ice….another bad idea.  The good news is that is looks like the forecast shows us warming back up to 68 on Saturday, but the bad news is that the low on Saturday night is 28.  I know it could be much worse, so I will stop complaining now.  My blood just seems to freeze in my veins when it is this cold.  Perhaps I should rethink my suggestion to William yesterday that we go skiing while he is in Colorado.

4 thoughts on “It’s Beginning to look a lot like Christmas.

  1. Yeah… my only problem is that no matter how many layers I have on… I am still always cold. I seem to have poor circulation in my hands and feet and I can double up on socks and gloves to no avail. However, I am starting to wonder if I will regret missing an opportunity to ski in Colorado.

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