Headed North

William and I are headed to Cleveland for Christmas. We are at the airport, but already have a 2 hour weather delay.  It appears that several of the Continental flights are on a 2 hour delay.  William and I should have learned out lesson 2 years ago when we tried to go to Jacksonville via Continental, but our flight got canceled and we had to abort the whole trip.  We should have listened to William’s mom and booked American.  Fortunately, today’s flight is a direct flight to Cleveland, so we should be ok, but I think we are giving up on Continental (although we had a bad experience with American on our honeymoon).  No airline is perfect I guess (although I have had very good experiences on Frontier Airlines to Denver thus far with the exception of 1 delay).  While in Cleveland, we will also be celebrating my mom’s 60th birthday!! (she is not bashful about her age). I am sure we will have lots of pictures to post after the weekend.
We wish everyone a very Merry Christmas!

One thought on “Headed North

  1. I definitely agree that no airline is perfect. I had never had any problems with Delta (after using them for all of my long distance relationship travels), until this past weekend where I was delayed 3 hours, missed my connecting flight and told that I could just spend the night in the airport!

    Anyhow, I hope that you all have a Merry Christmas and Happy New Year!!

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