Here’s to President Obama!!

Yesterday was a wonderful celebration of a long journey (one that started long before President Obama’s announced his candidacy for President).  It was such a wonderful thing to witness, whether in person or on television or the Internet.  I thoroughly enjoyed watching the events.  Despite the fact I had to work, we have a television in our office and myself and several colleagues watched the ceremony in the midst of a busy work day.  After the acceptance speech, I didn’t even have words to say.  All I could do was reflect on such a powerful moment.

Given the historic nature of the event and the excitement in the air, my sister and I decided to attend an Inaugural Ball here in Dallas at the House of Blues.  We celebrated with food, dancing, entertainment, networking, and the hope of extraordinarily great things to come.  We had a great time!  I posted pictures on my flickr page.

I was so motivated at work today while thinking about the aggressive agenda President Obama had today on day 1 of his new job.  I was so inspired to push myself harder and I know I am not the only one who feels that way.  I simply cannot wait to see what is  in store during the Obama Administration.  Being a political science major, I wish, just for this instance, that I was a member of the Executive Office of the President.  How incredibly challenging, but wonderful that would be!

One thought on “Here’s to President Obama!!

  1. Kyllan, we really had fun! What a perfect ending to such a historic day. January 20th, 2009 will be a day that we’ll be telling our grandchildren and great-grandchildren about. When Barack was born on August 4, 1961, many African-Americans were still struggling for the right to vote due to Jim Crow laws in the South, despite the 15th amendment of 1870. The National Voting Rights act was not passed until 1965, when Barack was 4. Six years later, in 1971, I was born. It wasn’t that long ago that we were disrespected and disenfranchised ya’ll! Many of our grandparents and great-grandparents couldn’t vote in some cases until well into their adulthood. Yesterday, Barack symbolically stood on the shoulders of so many before him who bled, suffered, marched and died. We have come such a long way and yesterday was an awe-inspiring, tear-filled day. Never have the words of the song “Lift Every Voice and Sing” meant so much to me.

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