I had a great time in Dallas this past weekend. We did a lot of good eating at some of my favorite restaurants. I was in town for 5 days so we had time for a couple more movies than usual. I really enjoyed Monster vs. Aliens in 3-D. We saw it at the IMAX. It was no Toy Story, but if you have small children, or a child at heart like me, you should check it out a 3D viewing. (Make sure it says 3D when selecting the time & theater. Most theaters are not showing the 3D version, and those that are only showing it on one screen.) We also saw I Love You Man. It was pretty good, but you can wait until it comes out on video. Duplicity was horribe. Do not see that movie under any circumstances. (My father happens to agree with me.) Kyllan surprised me with Dinner at Ruth Chris and we spent the night on the town. Here are a few photos from the weekend.

I enjoyed Monster v Aliens more than I thought I would. I didn’t think Duplicity was that bad. It was kinda confusing at first until you begin to see how the movie is structured.
Duplicity asked for so much and gave so little. By the time it was ready to give up the goods, I had lost interest.