Mother’s Day in Jacksonville

Kyllan and I spent Mother’s Day in Jacksonville with my parents. It was a fun-filled, yet exhausting, weekend. In between a belated  birthday celebration for Kyllan and the Mother’s Day festivities we helped my father setup his new tv and wireless internet network. There was also the traditional computer help that comes with every visit. Pictures from the trip can be found on my Flickr. A slide show of pictures from the trip is below. (The first few pictures are of Kyllan opening a birthday gift from my parents. This is NOT any type of hint concerning her and Mother’s Day.)

2 thoughts on “Mother’s Day in Jacksonville

  1. When I first saw the post and the picture of Kyllan, I thought to myself hmmmmmm…William is dropping a hint. Then I saw the bolded ‘NOT’, which ruined the excitement that had been built over the previous 5 seconds.

    Happy belated Mother’s Day to all the mothers out there!

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