William and I are very excited about Baby Girl Cody. We just found out this morning and I worked all day, so I haven’t made any purchases yet, but I can’t wait to start shopping!
We would have been happy either way, but I really am thrilled that we having a girl. I guess I just feel that we will have a good time decorating, and shopping for her and I am already excited about tea parties, cute dresses, lip gloss, girl scout cookies, mani/pedis when she is old enough, and even one day being the “mother of the bride”! Yeah… I know I am a long way off from that, but those are the things that cross my mind with a girl.
I am still feeling pretty good. The only issue I am running into at this point is comfortable sleep positions. At this point in my pregnancy, the recommendation is to sleep on my side, specifically the left side to provide optimal blood flow to the uterus. I have been a stomach sleeper for years, so this is kinda difficult for me. During the night, my hips start hurting and I have to flip sides, then I fatigue that side and have to flip back over, then I am fighting congestion, then I have to go to the bathroom, then when I get kinda comfy, William wakes me b/c my snoring (a new routine since becoming pregnant) woke him up. Then my alarm goes off. Though this is a bit annoying, it has really just started and I still don’t really have trouble sleeping, just end up waking up during the night a few times, something that did not happen much before. I am one of those people that falls asleep as soon as my head hits the pillow and can’t remember the last time I had trouble sleeping. I think I have some possible solutions. I will more than likely go ahead and buy a pregnancy pillow. I have heard mixed reviews, but I figured it is worth a try.
The Cody parents (soon to be Cody grandparents) will be in town this weekend, so that will be fun. We will likely go shopping together for Baby Girl.
The bump is growing as you can see from the picture below. According to, her brain is designating specialized areas for smell, taste, hearing, vision, and touch. Some research suggests that she may be able to hear our voices. With that in mind, William and I made a trip to Barnes and Noble this past weekend to buy our first book for the baby. We planned to only buy 1, but bought 3 books :-). I guess we will start reading to her this week. She has already been able to enjoy the beautiful singing I do in the car on my travels to and from work. 🙂

Congratulations on your little girl! They are so dangerous when it comes to shopping! Start buying storage containers now! Make sure that you check out Hanna Andersson when you go shopping….they have really great pajamas! (And supercute dresses!) Have fun with the grandparents to be this weekend!
Shopping is definitely on my agenda this week-end. I have been under control until now but I keep repeating “I will not lose control, I will not lose control”. It was easier to say when I didn’t know which color to buy.
I am so excited for you both. I can’t wait to spoil my beautiful little niece. Love you both!
Will, we can go shopping for shotguns together!!!!
Awww! Congrats on the little girl. I can only imagine how cute she will be 🙂 I’m loving the posts on the pregnancy updates. It’s great to hear it from the perspective as a friend, not a doctor 🙂