Wow. This weekend was so full of baby that we literally wore ourselves out!! 🙂
Some of you may have heard that William is surprising me (and probably most of you) by completely designing and decorating the nursery. I really can’t even remember how this came about, but I do remember him telling me that if I were responsible for the nursery, I would get too stressed and drive myself crazy. He is probably right and I have to admit that with my work schedule remaining pretty busy, I haven’t really had a lot of time to research designs and nursery decor, so I enjoy not having that on my to-do list. I was allowed to make a list of 10 things I wanted to see included in the nursery and after that… I am locked out of the room until the room is done. I was a bit nervous about this arrangement, so the compromise was to ask my sister to ensure cinder blocks were not part of the room 🙂 . William was on Spring Break , so every day this past week I came home to him being behind closed doors for several hours working on the nursery. One night, I heard him hammering away at midnight… but… I was still able to fall asleep with no problem 🙂 The only details about the nursery I know are the crib, dresser/changing table, and rocker/recliner. We picked those out together and I am very happy with our decision. He has been so excited about this project, so I am anxiously awaiting the big reveal, which will probably be around my birthday, which happens to fall just before Mother’s Day. How exciting!! I can’t wait!
On Saturday, we had the first part of our childbirth class. Yep… childbirth class already. It was mainly because the dates for this weekend and next fit in with our schedule better than other dates over the next couple months. The class was from 9am-4pm, so it was a full day devoted to preparing for the big event. After class, we decided we were going to go set up our baby registries. We had already planned to do it this past weekend prior to registering for the childbirth class, so we decided to just stick to it and make it a day full of baby. After spending about 2 hours at each store, we were done and it was 9pm. We had been up since about 7:15am and we were exhausted. After enjoying a late dinner, we came home and collapsed on the couch. Needless to say, we didn’t make it to church today. It was about 10am before either of us attempted to get out of bed and the rest felt great. In fact, we didn’t even make it out of the house until about 6 or 7pm when we decided to go for a walk to get some exercise in for the day. Fortunately I also made is to the grocery store also to stock up on some breakfast foods and healthy snacks for the week.
So… a busy week and a very busy Saturday, but we accomplished a lot, so I think we are both happy even though we are a bit tired.
So… how has the pregnancy been this week?…. Still smooth! I can see why people consider the 2nd trimester the best of them all. You’re not dealing with the symptoms you may have had in the 1st trimester, the fatigue is not as bad, and your stomach is growing, but not too big to cause any problems or major distractions. I have not felt as much movement this week from the baby, but I know I am only a few weeks from feeling the major kicks and movements, so I should probably enjoy it while it lasts. One change I have noticed this week is my belly button has begun its journey forward and seems like it is going to start popping out in the next few weeks. It’s an odd thing to notice it pushing forward day by day.
Below, is my 21 week belly shot as well as some of the items we couldn’t resist buying for the baby while we were registering. Isn’t the purple Share Bear cute?! As you can see, we added some additional colors to her wardrobe, I like pink , but I want to make sure she can enjoy all colors. A couple of the items are actually for when she starts wearing 12 month clothes, so you probably won’t see her in a picture with those until next year.