Last week Laurel and I celebrated Mother’s Day with first time mommy Kyllan. Unfortunately the university’s graduation, which I attended as a faculty member, was the same day at 9am. Kyllan and Laurel joined me, so that we could spend the whole day together. I had already started my post-doc when the commencement ceremony for my Ph.D. was held and I didn’t feel the need to travel back for it, so I think Kyllan enjoyed the opportunity to see me in my regalia. Several parents told me stories of how quickly the time between their child being Laurel’s age and the day’s graduation flew by. My brain can not even deal with the fact that she will one day begin talking!. After congratulating a few recent grads, the Codys were off to brunch. The food wasn’t the greatest, but it provided us with an excellent photo opp with Laurel and a spinning chair suspended from the ceiling. Later that afternoon Laurel gave her mommy a few gifts and we both showered her with hugs and kisses and told what an amazing mommy she was. Laurel then had separate video chats with both of her grandmothers over facetime to wish them happy mother’s day and to apologized for FedEx swapping their presents. Pictures of the day’s events can be found here on my Flickr page.
(This Sunday we went to on of Kyllan’s favorite brunch locations to make up for the brunch on Mother’s Day.)