I thought someone else was going to make this post…
A week and a half ago I celebrated my first father’s day as a dad. It was odd. It felt like I was celebrating someone else’s birthday. It had always been a day about other people, and specifically not about me. Still, any excuse to dress Laurel up a little more than usual is an occasion worth celebrating. We didn’t do anything big. Laurel and Kyllan took me out to brunch, they gave me a few gifts and we spent an evening of family time together. It was great to break our usual weekend routine and not worry about work around the house or the coming week.
I do think that next year Kyllan and I will skip the brunch on mother’s day and father’s day. On mother’s day we ate at a swanky hotel with live music. This place had long been at the top of our list of potential staycation hotels and we were excited when we saw they were doing brunch. Excited until we realized, all too late, that the reason the line at the buffet was so short was because they barely had any food. After 30 minutes in line I did manage to get half a waffle. I think Kyllan had chicken tortilla soup, without the chicken or tortilla. We won’t be going back. Ever. We decided to learn from our mistake and made a reservation at a restaurant for father’s day. We made a reservations at a place we had eaten once before and thought had the potential to become a favorite. Like most Sundays, we rushed out the door without breakfast in the morning, so by the time we reached the restaurant we were both hungry. After waiting a little too long to be seated, we ordered and waited for our food. And waited. And waited. And waited. Everyone around was still waiting for food an hour later. When the guy two tables away found the manager and explained that none of us had received our food, he was told “you need to stop worrying about everyone else and start worrying about yourself.” We found later that when the family asked their waiter if they could speak to the manager, the manager sent him back to the table with a comment card. It was one of the oddest dining experiences I’ve had. Next year I think we will just cook for one another.
There are plenty of photos on flickr. Just not any of the brunch.