Finally! After months and months, this Friday the day finally arrived. Laurel has completed her cranial band treatment. No more helmet! That things has been acting like a cuteness reducer on my beautiful baby’s head for what feels like forever. We can now give her kisses on the forehead, place bows in her hair and hug her without reviving a headbutt! After only 72 hours, I honestly can’t even tell you where the band is. I think Kyllan hid it. Leading up to the final appointment I was threatening to melt it down, but she wants to hold on to it for sentimental reasons. We took some family photos without the band to celebrate the occasion. You can find them on my Flickr. The ones below have quickly grown to become two of my favorite photos.

Awesome! Yay! Laurel is so adorable (with & w/o the helmet)! Btw, I watched the Tina Prima ballerina video… Hilarious!
….and I thought she couldn’t get any cuter.
So cute!