Well, Elliott never got a 4 month or 5 month post…
Elliott is still growing and growing. We refereed to his sized so much that Laurel began calling him “big boy.” We now refer to him as being a handsome boy when discussing his size. He is much more verbal in month five than he was in month four. While he is still quite baby, he has spurts of none stop babbling for 10 or 15 minutes. He has started showing a strong interest in solid food, and will likely get his first taste this weekend. He is favorite thing to do appears to be listening to people talk. He listens intently to every word Kyllan and I say. He also enjoys grabbing anything in front of him. He recently began attending the same daycare as his big sister, so the logistics of morning drop offs and evening pick ups have gotten much easier. His four and five month pictures are below. Here is a link to some random October and September photos.

You guys are the most beautiful family ever! So glad that we have you as friends! Laurel is such a big girl now! She’s getting so tall! Where the heck has time gone! We need to slow all of our babies down just a little bit! You guys look great! Many hugs!
Kim P.