We’re Back!

Kyllan and I are back from our amazing trip to Hawaii. We had a great time and can’t wait to share more about the  trip with everyone. For now, we need some sleep. There are some pictures from Oahu on flickr, but the photos from Pearl Harbor don’t have descriptions yet. I took over 1,000 photos, so it will be a few days before I get everything up.

I want to go back!


I figure this is as good of time as any to test out the blogging app on my iPhone. As I type this, Kyllan and I are siting on the beach in Maui. Yesterday we went snorkeling. It was amazing. In addition to the tropical fish, we saw about a dozen sea turtles. Tomorrow we head to Hilo where we are going to visit Volcanoes National. I already have hundreds of pictures, but no way to upload them without paying by the minute on the ship. I’m adding one from my iPhone. We will upload some more as soon as we get a chance.


Finally! It’s only pre-season, but football is back! It’s going to be horrible being in Dallas and dealing with these arrogant Cowboy fans and all of their Superbowl hype.  It’s even worse that I have to live with one. One of these days I will get Kyllan to see the error of her ways and convince her to cheer for the Jaguars.

Date Night

Kyllan and I have recently started a date night and have been alternating who makes the plans for the evening. Last week, Kyllan’s week, we attended Jazz in the Atrium at the Dallas Art Museum and had dinner at the Screen Door. Oddly enough, we were asked if we were newlyweds by a couple at the Jazz event and the waitress at the restaurant asked me if we were on a first date while Kyllan was in the restroom. It’s good to know that while we are quickly approaching our 3rd anniversary, we still act like a young couple very excited to be spending time together. I guess that’s the point of a date night.


The weekend before last Kyllan and I attended the 34th annual Williams family reunion in Columbus, OH. Because it was so close, Kyllan’s Parents, grandmother, a cousin and our nephew, who was visiting his grandparents, also joined us. It was good to see both sides of the family. Pictures of the weekend are up on Flickr.

The Williams Family