
The weekend before last Kyllan and I were in Gainesville, Florida for a memorial service held by the University of Florida College of Medicine marking the 10th anniversary of Caroline’s death. It was a beautiful service and my family was very touched by all the sentiments that were shared. You can read about the service here.


We are taking a trip to Las Vegas this weekend to celebrate Kyllan’s Birthday. It be the first trip to Sin City for both of us. We are still trying to pick a restaurant for Kyllan’s Birthday dinner. Any suggestions?

Also, the weekend before last we attended a recognition ceremony for the graduating African- American students at Kyllan’s old high school, Hockaday. Before then I had only seen it from the outside. Wow. It was nicer the majority of college campus I have been on. The picture below is of all the past and current students that attended. Why is there a room that looks like this in her old high school? Seriously!… A few more pictures can be found on my flickr.

The Hockaday School

Yard Sale

Kyllan and I participated in our first yard sale this weekend. We did pretty well too. The home owner’s association has, as usual, over stepped their bounds and decided that home owners can only hold a garage sale on the two days a year that they designate. One positive is that everyone knows that it is yard sell day and you get a lot of traffic. We were selling things before we could get half of it out of the house. Who knew people would want so much junk? Someone even bought my original xbox and games. We managed to clear out a lot of items and made a decent amount while we were at it. The only question is what to do with the stuff we didn’t sell. I am not putting it all back up in the attic!

The weekend before last Kyllan and I had a date night to see Date Night. We both really enjoyed it and recommend it to anyone looking to go out on a date night of their own. We also went to a work related function for Kyllan.  The event included a silent auction, in which I successfully bid on a color laser printer.

Still Here

All is still well in the Cody house. Kyllan and I have pretty busy lately so we haven’t had anything interesting to post about, but with 5 trips  planned over the next 4 months that is likely to change. First up on list: Easter, and my Birthday, in Cleveland with both sets of parents.

Fight Night

Our good friends Maya and Jamaal flew down to visit this past weekend. We spent Friday catching up with one another. Saturday morning we gave them a quick tour of Dallas and, of course, took them on the obligatory trip to Pinkberry. Kyllan and Maya spent the afternoon at the spa.  Saturday night Jamaal and I attended the Pacquiao v. Clottey fight at Cowboys Stadium. We arrived early enough to watch several under cards andhad a great time. I hate to admit it, but even with good seats we spent the majority of the evening watching the enormous screen. I took plently of pictures and will try to have them up by the end of this weekend.