Cowboys Stadium

Kyllan’s company hosted an event at Cowboys Stadium this past weekend. While we were there we managed to get a tour of the facility, unlike last time. The stadium is absolutely amazing. The inside felt like an exclusive private club, while the open stadium itself seemed to never end. I will be back at the stadium at the end of this week for the Pacquiao v. Clotty boxing match. I am a huge fight fan and have been looking forward to the even since it was announced. As always, photos can be found on my Flickr page.

Kyllan on the Star

Winter Olympics

Kyllan has been much more interested in the Winter Olympics than I anticipated. She has had the TV on every night since the games started. We just finished watching ladies’ figure skating.  The announcers clearly felt that this year was the most amazing competition in the history sport. So far I think our favorite event has to be snowboard cross. With hockey now on our radar I plan on catching the remaining team USA games. I missed the first one simply because I didn’t realize that it was on MSNBC. Instead, I played on the internet while Kyllan watched ice dancing, which I am still not convinced is a sport. Sadly we’ve missed all of the curling.

We still plan to go to the 2012 summer games in London. See you there!

State of the Family

I had planned to make a State of the Family address to coincide with President Obama’s State of the Union address, but I got tired. Kyllan says I should still make the post, so here it goes…

The last 12 months have been eventful for the Cody’s and Ladies and Gentlemen, I am proud to say, the state of the family is strong. I’ve been in Dallas for a little over 2 months and it feels like Kyllan and I were never apart. Kyllan is a few months into her not so new anymore job, which she continues to enjoy. I am a few weeks into my new job as a postdoctoral researcher, which seems to be everything I had hoped it would be.

The concerns we will face this next are familiar ones. We are focused on leading healthier lives. Kyllan hasn’t posted any recipes recently, but she has been cooking at least 5 days out of the week this entire month. Also, we are trying to visit the gym on a more frequent and regular basis. We have already lost few pounds each this month.

Okay, that is where I got tired and fell asleep. Sorry for the lack of post recently. The 2 hours I spend communing back and forth to work has absorbed a lot of my free time, but I am adjusting.


I spent all day yesterday with my nephew Drew. We started off the morning by going to see Alvin and the Chipmunks 2: The Squeakquel. It got a little slow at times and in the middle of the movie Drew told me that he was ready to go. The pace picked back up, but I’m going to have to give it 2 1/2 stars. Don’t take any little kids to see this movie unless they ask several times to go. After the movie we spent over an hour in the Lego store, which was fine by me. Next we spent an hour walking around an extremely overpriced toy store which, again, was fine by me.  Drew could have taken serious advantage of me in that store, but he wasn’t interested in any of the toys I thought were cool. He refused to go down the Star Wars isle after proclaiming, “All the stuff down there is boring.” As if a 12″ Lando Cairissian action figure could be boring… After walking around the mall poking at every cactus in a planter and hanging out at the duck pond, we made our way to Dave & Busters. We mostly played Skee ball and other redemption games. Drew also really enjoyed a motorcycle game that featured a moving bike he could sit on, a pilot game with a panoramic screen which required me to operate the rudder and big rig truck racing game where he let me drive and focused on honking the horn. Later we stopped by the park by the house as we waited for Aunt Kyky to get home from work. Drew wanted to see her before I took him home. We had great time and we will definitely have to spend the day together again. Oh, and I am still exhausted. I don’t know how people keep up with little children for more than one day at a time.

Below is a clip of  Drew in his schools Christmas play. Below that is a picture slide show, all of which can be found on my flickr page. The entire play is too long to upload, so I will try and make a DVD later. Right now I need to get ready a go to the airport to pick up my parents and grandmother, who are coming down for Christmas.


Okay… Not to get your expectations up or anything, but Avatar lived up to the hype. You need to go see this movie tonight. Right now. Pay the extra money and go see the IMAX 3D Experience version*. It was absolutely amazing. The limits of my imagination were shattered. A new benchmark in special effects has been set. This is what it must have felt like to grow up watching black and white TV and then see a color broadcast for the first time. And yes, Kyllan loved it too. It wasn’t just me.

If you see it, let us know what you think. Neal has already indicated that it is the best movie he has ever seen.

*As opposed to the “Digital 3D” or 2D versions. Theaters with the IMAX digital screen and not the traditional 65mm large format screen are fine. If you don’t know what I am talking about, don’t worry about it. Just go to a theater and showtime for Avatar: An IMAX 3D experience.


Kyllan and I plan to see James Cameron’s Avatar today.  Industry watchers are predicting the film will be bigger than Cameron’s Titanic.  It’s supposed to represent a watershed moment in digital film making and 3D. Roger Ebert said, “Watching Avatar, I felt sort of the same as when I saw “Star Wars” in 1977.” The hype machine is out of control and I’m trying to keep my expectations down.  We will let everyone know what we think. If, like Kyllan, you some how managed to miss the trailer the billions of times it has been shown on TV, it can be found here.If you see it too, let us know what you think.

Frog Princess

Kyllan and I had another movie night this past weekend. It was a little late, so we passed on the 2 1/2  hour long Transforms 2 and opted for Land of the Lost. It was bad. It was so bad that we had to call a redo. Sunday saw Disney’s The Princess and the Frog. I’m not really the demographic so it’s should come as no surprise that I have never really been a big fan of the Disney princess movies. This one, however, was pretty good. It was a cute story and the main character wasn’t a useless girl waiting for her prince to come save her. I also liked  the return to 2D animation. It made me feel a little nostalgic. Still, I need to watch a movie with explosions some time very soon.

We put up the Christmas tree a little while ago, but I never posted any pictures. The only one I took was of Kyllan putting the angel on the tree when we were done decorating. I will have to take some more photos later.

The Cody Family Christmas Tree
The Cody Family Christmas Tree

Movie Night

The 1st official Cody Family Movie Night took place over the weekend. Kyllan selected Disney’s “UP” over “Transfomers 2.” We both really enjoyed the movie and highly recommend it*. You can probably skip the special features though.

Unrelated info: Kyllan met Bobby Knight at a luncheon yesterday. Weird.

*Don’t worry. Unofficial movie night occurred earlier in the week after I finally got all my AV stuff up and running and was tested with a viewing of Star Trek on Blu-Ray.