Thanksgiving Pics

There are a few pictures from Thanksgiving up on Flickr. We entered the month of November not knowing if I would defend or not before Thanksgiving, so logistics made it too difficult to make any big plans. We enjoyed a small thanksgiving at home and were joined that evening by Kim N. and Rob. Having finished with the defense and making the move to Dallas, it was probably the most stress free I had been in a long time.

Thanksgiving 2009
Thanksgiving 2009


It still hasn’t sunk in. It is early Tuesday morning after Thanksgiving weekend and I am still in Dallas. No more dreading waking up early to drive to airport. No more weekend visits. I am home and home is Dallas.

So, back to the defense. The whole day was a blur. There are no photos of the defense itself. (It being an academic examination and all.) I have, however, uploaded several photos from the surrounding events. The public defense started at 1pm and the private defense ended at 4pm. The department held a small reception immediately afterward. After the reception my former PI (Advisor) took my family out to dinner. Kyllan and I managed to grab a few hours of sleep before hitching a u-haul to the back of the truck and hitting the road. When we arrived in town we had just enough time to prepare for Thanksgiving. Things are beginning to wind down but, like I said, it still hasn’t sunk in.

Cake From Department Reception
Cake From Department Reception
Home Sweet Home
Home Sweet Home


Today was an extremely long and stressful day, but it is finally over and I have a Ph.D. (Technically there is still some paperwork to be taken care of.) I was overwhelmed by all of the comments on the blog, e-mails and calls I received wishing me luck and telling me that they were praying for me. Words cannot express how much it meant to me and how much it helped me stay focused in the days leading up to the defense when all I wanted to do was anything but prepare. There will be pictures later. I am going to bed.