As many of you already know, I joined Kyllan and her family on Tuesday/ Wednesday for a very unique and amazing experience. The story is going to be told by a 3rd party this Friday. Friends and Family please call or E-mail so that we can share the details.
Author: William
Movie Suggestions?
Has anyone seen any good movies lately? I have dreams of eventually having a few minutes away from the lab and would like to catch one.
Random Post #7
Another boring week. It looks like it is going to be a pretty boring weekend too. For some strange reason it is still snowing in Denver. I can’t wait to move someplace sunny.
Let their be no question, my parents and I have been cheering for Memphis State The University of Memphis since day one of the tournament. I’m not sure what games the commentators were watching, but I saw the Tigers whoop some butt on Saturday. That’s right everybody, the team predicted to be the first #1 seed to be eliminated from the tournament are one game away form a national championship!
Warning: Virus Threat
I should have posted this earlier, but did not think of it. A few weeks ago my father’s computer got infected with a virus. It appears that the virus is now trying to e-mail itself to everyone in his address book. If you communicate with my father via e-mail, please be on the lookout. The message appears to be from him and the subject says something about “you’ve been tagged.” The body of the e-mail claims that he is trying to get you to join him on a social networking site. This e-mail is not from my father, is not from a social networking site and should be immediately deleted. Do not follow any of the links in the e-mail or download any files attached.
Random Post #6
Things have been crazy in the lab recently; I’ve been trying to generate data for a grant renewal. I thought things were going to calm down a bit now that it has been submitted, but it appears that I can keep dreaming. I have a big meeting and a few presentations to give this month.
While we haven’t given much political commentary recently, our friends have, offering up post on both Spitzer and Obama.
I forgot to post about March Madness and the NCAA Tourney. The first tip off is in a few hours, making it too late for everyone to get their picks in, so there will be no Cody Report bracket pool this year. We saved a box of Thin Mints to give to the winner again, but I guess we will just have to eat them ourselves. .. I am taking Memphis all the way!
More Wedding Reflections
I know, I know. I said I would be posting video throughout the week. Sorry, things got a little busy around here. In the video below Kyllan and I discuss our wedding reception.
Wedding Reflections: The Reception from William Cody on Vimeo.
Six Months
Today Kyllan and I celebrate 6 months as man and wife. It’s so amazing how fast the time has passed. We’ve shared so much and there have been so many memories. I’ll save all of that for the anniversary post, it’s a bigger deal. Today, though, I’ll share more video we took while on our honeymoon. Here is the two of us discussing the ceremony.
Wedding Reflections: The Ceremony from William Cody on Vimeo.
Video from Honeymoon
I am in Dallas this weekend to celebrate 6 months of marriage with Kyllan. 6 months and it has only taken me this long to do something with the video we took while on our honeymoon. It’s a lot of footage, so I will be breaking it up and posting it through out the week. Think of it as a celebration! This first video is of the two of us discussing the morning before and the events leading up to our wedding ceremony.
Wedding Reflections: Before the Ceremony from William Cody on Vimeo.
Another Fun Visit
I had a great time with Kyllan this weekend. We didn’t do very much, so there aren’t any exciting stories. We tried to go to a few popular restaurants, but apparently there is some special restaurant week going on and a lot of places are half off; Every place we tried was booked up. We tried to see Definitely, Maybe, but we got the show time wrong and arrived at the theater too early. Instead of waiting we decided to see Vantage Point. Warning! DO NOT SEE THIS MOVIE! It wasn’t necessarily bad, but it was definitely annoying. You’ve been warned. Don’t make me tell you “I told you so.” (I wanted to see Be Kind, Rewind, but Kyllan said, “no.”)