
This weekend five years ago Kyllan and I had a very important conversation. I don’t specifically remember how it went, but before we left for my boss’ holiday party we discussed how I would introduce her to my co-workers. This weekend five years ago we decided that we were a couple.

First Holiday Memories

Kyllan and I spent our first Thanksgiving together as a married couple. Somehow we went from planning a small dinner together and a quite weekend to a feast for two and a Christmas tree in our den. I think it will be amazing to look back 20 years from now at what are now our first holiday memories. How will things change? What little things will turn into long standing traditions?

Photos from the weekend can be found in my flickr account, Here. (As always, links to our photos can be found in the right-hand toolbar.)

Thanksgiving Plans

Kyllan and I will be spending our first major holiday together as a married couple this thanksgiving. We don’t really have any special plans, other than spend time with each other. The two of us will have thanksgiving dinner together Thursday. (After the classes and kitchen items we received as wedding gifts, Kyllan seems to be really excited about cooking.) I think Kyllan wants to do some black Friday shopping.  We will probably go see This Christmas at some point over the weekend. I am still on the fence about Fred Claus. Other than that, I don’t know. What are you guys doing for thanksgiving. Traveling? Any special traditions?

Fields/ Campbell Wedding Photos

As you know, Kyllan and I attended the wedding of two close friends this past weekend. I finally went through of the photos and picked out some to share with you. It was a packed weekend. There was a welcome party on Thursday, complete with dancing girls and a fire dancer. Friday morning Jamaal’s dad took the groomsmen and some close friends and family to play golf. Of course Friday also included the rehearsal and rehearsal dinner. The wedding on Saturday was beautiful. It looked like it wanted to rain, but as soon as Maya started down the isle the clouds went away. Both the bride and groom cried like a babies, causing me to lose a side bet I had with Neil. (He gave me good odds, I couldn’t pass it up.) The reception was crazy! People danced all night. Check out the pictures here.

A Beautiful Occasion

I remember sitting next to my friend Jamaal at a basketball game our sophomore year at Xavier as he pointed to a girl across the gym and explained that she was the one from his class that he had been telling me about the past couple of weeks. This past weekend, my parents, Kyllan and I were all in Montego Bay, Jamaica attending the wedding of Jamaal and Maya (the girl from the basketball game). I take full credit for event, seeing as back at Xavier I took it upon myself to harass him until he called her. Having watched their relationship develop during those years in undergrad, it was surreal standing next to them as they exchanged vows. It was an emotional ceremony with few dry eyes and the reception lasted long into the night. It was amazing just being part of their day and great seeing so many old friends. Hopefully I will get some photos up by the middle of the week.

EDIT: Apparently Kyllan and I took over 600 photos over the weekend. Looks like there will be a roll out of photos  through out the week.

Caroline Cody

I was unable to make a post this past weekend due to the $14 an hour charge for internet at the resort in the Jamaica. This Saturday would have been my sister’s 30th Birthday. A few days before his wedding, Jamaal asked if the groomsmen could all wear orange ribbons in her memory. Orange was Caroline’s favorite color and, like at our wedding, friends and family often wear the ribbons on special occasions. I don’t have the words to explain how much it means to me that others are helping my family keep my sister’s memory alive.

Please take a few minutes to read the post I made on Caroline’s birthday last year to learn more about what is being done to preserve her memory here.

Comments have been turned off for this post. If you would like to share your thoughts and memories of Caroline, please call or e-mail me or my parents. We would love to hear from you.

More Excitement Ahead

Sorry for the lack of post. Our lives have been pretty boring busy recently. This week looks like it will be much more interesting. Thursday will be the first time Kyllan and I will see each other since I returned to Denver. We will be meeting in Jamaica for the wedding of our good friends Jamaal and Maya. My parents will also be attending.

Sunday was the first snow fall of the season. I hate snow, so I am sure that you will be hearing several complaints in the coming months.

Apartment Complex

Pingree Park

As my beautiful wife informed you, this past weekend I attended a conference in the middle of nowhere. (Nowhere as in 22 miles up a dirt road to 9,000 feet to sleep in a cabin.) It was a regional meeting for the Rocky Mountain Virology Club and The Rocky Mountain branch of the American Society of Microbiology. I gave an oral presentation detailing my recent work in the lab, that apparently went over very well. After the conference I hiked about 4 miles and up another 1,000 to see the wreckage of a B-17 that crashed in 1943. Pictures can be found on my flickr account.

Random Post #4

I don’t think either of us has done anything all that interesting this week. Kyllan has been attending some events for a conference in Dallas the past couple of days and I will be attending a conference in the middle of nowhere this weekend. (Seriously, I have no idea where the conference is at.) I’ll be giving a presentation this Sunday on some pretty interesting data I’ve generated in the lab. Hopefully I’ll get the manuscript out soon.

What are you guys watching for the new fall tv season? I caught the pilots for Chuck and the “re-imagining” of Bionic Woman. I thought both were interesting, but don’t know that I will continue watching. One new show that I think I will continue to watch is Life. There really isn’t anything all that good on. Unfortunately, I will have to wait until January for three of my favorite shows to air new episodes. (24, The Wire and Battlestar Galactica.)