Fantastic Voyage

Warning: The following post contains links to photos of our honeymoon in Turks and Caicos. Looking at the 185 photos can potentially distract you from work, ruin memories of previous vacations and/or cause you to spend your hard earned money by immediately booking a trip of your own. Proceed at your own risk. The Cody Report is not responsible for any actions or efforts you make to reach the state of relaxation found in said photos.

As you may have heard, Kyllan and I honeymooned on the Turks and Caicos island (TCI) of Providenciales (Provo) after our wedding where we stayed at the Regent Palms for 5 nights. (We made several post while on the trip detailing the amazing time we were having: Post 1, 2, 3 and 4 .)

One of the wedding gifts we received from my parents was a Nikon D40x camera. (The other gift was the honeymoon.) With this camera we took over 650 pictures of our trip. We have gone through these pictures and selected 185 honeymoon photos to share with everyone.

Did I mention we plan to go back at some point? Who’s going with us?

Oh, my good friend Neil (also one of my groomsmen) has started blogging again over at the Chronicles of NL. He made a brief post about the wedding entitled “Wedding Bells.”

Photos from the Wedding

My Uncle Sam, who is also my godfather, took over 900 photos during the weekend of our wedding. Knowing that he is into photography, I asked him to take photos at the events where we didn’t already have a photographer and to get some candids at the reception; He out did himself. Kyllan and I cannot thank him enough for capturing so many memories for us. He gave us the files before he left Dallas and we spent over two hour during the honeymoon looking the images. There were so many moments we didn’t see, guest we didn’t get a chance to talk with and little details that we were moving to fast to catch.

Now, we want to share my uncle’s images with all of you. (While I personally enjoyed looking at all 900, we only uploaded select images.) For those of you that were unable to attend, the weekend included the rehearsal dinner, the wedding ceremony and reception and a breakfast the next morning. There is a photo set for each event. View the entire collection here. (I think the “detail” view, found under the event title, allows for the easiest viewing of photos once inside the sets.)

If you have your own photos of the wedding, please share them with us. We will let everyone know as soon as the wedding photographer’s photos become available.

Wedding Play-byPlay

A very good friend of mine made a nice post detailing the wedding on her blog “Med Obsession.” If you weren’t able to attend, or were and just want to reminisce, you should take a look. The post is titled “A Beautiful Wedding.”

In the post she comments on a slide show that was played in the background during the reception. You can find it below. (As always, the flash player quality sucks but has the best chance of being compatible with whatever computer and browser readers happen to be using. The slide show is 12 minutes long. I’ve been having some problems with, so please let me know if they haven’t all been resolved)


We’re back! Turks & Caicos may be the most beautiful place I’ve ever seen and to spend a week there with my new wife was simply amazing. 50 years from now I will still be reflecting upon the memories we created these past two weeks.

I was supposed to make a post on Friday detailing our day, but relaxing and doing nothing got in the way. We spent all day at the beach Friday. We floated around on a few water toys, did a little snorkeling and reclined under our own canopy. The highlight, for me anyway, was sailing a hobiecat “wave,” a 13 foot catarmaran. (Apparently it doesn’t matter if you don’t already know how to sail, only that you can sign a wavier form.) We tried for the third evening to catch a sun set and the “green flash” Kyllan told you about, only to miss it due to cloud cover again. There was also a wedding that evening. It took place at the spa (you’ll understand after you see the pictures) and later they took photos on the beach. Even with the cloud cover, the sky was beautiful. Unfortunately for the couple, their photographer did not take a single photo into the setting sun. I snapped off a couple from my lounge chair on the boardwalk though. Friday night we ate at Grace’s Cottage, which is apparently one of the nicest restaurants on the island. Afterwards we walked about a quarter of a mile along the beach back to our resort and took a quick dip in the hot tub.

We left the resort at noon Saturday. We didn’t do very much before leaving, besides try to take in just how breathtaking the entire week had been. It’s Sunday morning now and we are trying to catch up on what happened in the real world while we were gone. There are over 650 photos on my camera, after deleting the unwanteds and duplicates. My Uncle Sam also gave me over 200 photos he took of the rehearsal dinner, wedding and breakfast, each. Oh, and we never posted about my nephew’s 3rd birthday and party on the 3rd. I have 200 photos of that. We simply can’t post all of those photos, but don’t worry, in the next 24 to 48 hours we will decided which ones are going up on flickr and make a post. (That gives me enough time to air brush on some abs!)

5 years

So, apparently there were a lot of people that did not know why we chose September for our wedding. We went on our first date September 13, 2002, five years ago today…

(Speaking of wedding, ours was an incredible experience that has continued right into the honeymoon. Kyllan and I will be doing a wedding reflections post shortly after we return from our honeymoon, so I will save the rest of my comments for then.)

To celebrate five years together, the two of us will be spending the entire morning and afternoon by the pool. This evening we will be eating at The 23rd Parallel, a very nice restaurant at our hotel. After an afternoon of exploring the island by scooter, I am very excited about another day of doing nothing. Kyllan and I managed to only almost kill ourselves 3 times. Once when Kyllan, who was sitting behind me, grabbed the handle bars while I was accelerating from a full stop and twice in a round-a-bout. (They drive on the left hand side of the road in TCI.)

We are having a great time and I can’t wait to share all of the pictures; Only 301 from the honeymoon so far.


I was planning to make a post about the second anniversary of hurricane Katrina, but whenever I start typing I get angry. I think I will leave the TV off today. I don’t feel like watching politicians who could’ve cared less about the poverty/murder rate/government corruption in New Orleans before Katrina, and who haven’t sat foot in the city since the 1st anniversary, point fingers and give speeches. I wonder if any of the several Presidential candidates that are making appearances will actually have anything constructive to offer to the almost nonexistent efforts to get the city back on its feet?… You’re right, silly thought.

Random Post #3

Too much has been going at the lab for me to do anything that may be interesting enough to post about. I have a lot I am trying to get done before I leave for Dallas on Sunday.

I put a news section in the right hand toolbar. I will be linking some off-beat and tech news along with stories from some of my favorite columnist there. (Like the Ronny Thompson/Ball State mess which has been ignored by the mainstream media in favor of Michael Vick.) Take a peek every now and then when you get bored.

Did anybody see Superbad this past weekend? It has been getting really good reviews. I might try to see it next week with Kyllan.

I had some more random things to say, but I forgot.

I’ve been going through some old pictures for my mom. Below is one of my favorites.

Kyllan’s visit

Kyllan and I had a great time during her visit this past weekend. For the most part we just kind of hung out, but we did manage to get out a do a few things. The reviews were true, Rush Hour 3 was bad movie. But, it was also an entertaining movie. I wouldn’t recommend it, but I wouldn’t say don’t go see it. We were right next door for breakfast, so we decided to go to the Wings Over the Rockies Museum. The aviation museum is located on a former Air Force Base, Lowry, which is now a residential area. The original two hangers, which housed B-52s, were left standing after the base closed. The museum is inside one of the hangers. As always, pictures from the weekend can be found on my flickr.

Parent’s Visit

I had a good time with my parents this past weekend. We saw The Bourne Ultimatum during their visit. It was one of the best action movies I have seen in a long time and I will probably go see it again. I highly recommend it to everyone. We ate at Texas de Brazil Saturday night, which, if you remember, is quickly moving up my list of favorite restaurants. My mother gave me a stack of photos to scan for a slide show, which included a rare photo of me and my dad in his Navy uniform.

Where is this?


My parents will be in town this tomorrow. I have absolutely no idea what we are going to do. I’ve made some decent progress in the lab, so hopefully I can manage to stay away for most of the weekend…

Kyllan says that she would make a post, but doesn’t have anything to talk about. Any suggestions?