Other than the site blowing up, not much happened this week. I have been busy in the lab, while Kyllan has been tied up at work and stressing herself out about the wedding.
I finished reading the 7th and final Harry Potter book, Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows. I hate to admit it, but I enjoyed the series. Initially, I couldn’t believe that so many adults were so excited about a series of children’s books. When the 6th book came out, so many of my co-workers were talking about it that I decided that I needed to see what the big deal was and borrowed a copy of the 1st one. (This is where Kyllan would likely tell everyone that I was the kid that read on the playground during recess.) I won’t give any long review or anything; I’ll just simply say that I am glad I took the time to read the books. I hadn’t done any leisure reading since Katrina. It was nice andI think I am going to start setting more time aside.
My cousin Nikki posted some pictures of a family vacation to her flickr.
…And yes, I am still going to use flickr even though the rest of yahoo is dead to me after the whole “sorry your blog is gone… we don’t why… you should just start over, it was only a year old anyway…” deal. Flickr doesn’t actually generate any revenue for yahoo because of all the storage and bandwith, so it actually feels good to know I am costing them a little bit more money. I should have gone with a company whose sole focus was web hosting to begin with.
My parents will be in town this weekend and Kyllan the weekend I after that. I am really looking forward to their visits. I have two things I really want to get done in the lab before they get here. I should be able to pull it of… I think.