Today, after about 20 minutes of me checking to make sure everything was centered, our daughter got her ears pierced
— CodyReport (@CodyReport) July 5, 2012
Today, after about 20 minutes of me checking to make sure everything was centered, our daughter got her ears pierced
— CodyReport (@CodyReport) July 5, 2012
Finally! After months and months, this Friday the day finally arrived. Laurel has completed her cranial band treatment. No more helmet! That things has been acting like a cuteness reducer on my beautiful baby’s head for what feels like forever. We can now give her kisses on the forehead, place bows in her hair and hug her without reviving a headbutt! After only 72 hours, I honestly can’t even tell you where the band is. I think Kyllan hid it. Leading up to the final appointment I was threatening to melt it down, but she wants to hold on to it for sentimental reasons. We took some family photos without the band to celebrate the occasion. You can find them on my Flickr. The ones below have quickly grown to become two of my favorite photos.
Laurel has been taking steps for over a week now, but it was only recently that we were able to catch her on video. Also, I finally got around to doing something with some video Kyllan shot on father’s day. Kyllan and my mom get a kick out of it. I just get sore throats.
I thought someone else was going to make this post…
A week and a half ago I celebrated my first father’s day as a dad. It was odd. It felt like I was celebrating someone else’s birthday. It had always been a day about other people, and specifically not about me. Still, any excuse to dress Laurel up a little more than usual is an occasion worth celebrating. We didn’t do anything big. Laurel and Kyllan took me out to brunch, they gave me a few gifts and we spent an evening of family time together. It was great to break our usual weekend routine and not worry about work around the house or the coming week.
I do think that next year Kyllan and I will skip the brunch on mother’s day and father’s day. On mother’s day we ate at a swanky hotel with live music. This place had long been at the top of our list of potential staycation hotels and we were excited when we saw they were doing brunch. Excited until we realized, all too late, that the reason the line at the buffet was so short was because they barely had any food. After 30 minutes in line I did manage to get half a waffle. I think Kyllan had chicken tortilla soup, without the chicken or tortilla. We won’t be going back. Ever. We decided to learn from our mistake and made a reservation at a restaurant for father’s day. We made a reservations at a place we had eaten once before and thought had the potential to become a favorite. Like most Sundays, we rushed out the door without breakfast in the morning, so by the time we reached the restaurant we were both hungry. After waiting a little too long to be seated, we ordered and waited for our food. And waited. And waited. And waited. Everyone around was still waiting for food an hour later. When the guy two tables away found the manager and explained that none of us had received our food, he was told “you need to stop worrying about everyone else and start worrying about yourself.” We found later that when the family asked their waiter if they could speak to the manager, the manager sent him back to the table with a comment card. It was one of the oddest dining experiences I’ve had. Next year I think we will just cook for one another.
There are plenty of photos on flickr. Just not any of the brunch.
A good friend recently complained about my neglect of a certain announcement on the blog. I had every intention of announcing it on the blog and even took a picture of Laurel to go along with the announcement. (No, Laurel is not going to be a big sister. At least not anytime soon… As far as we know.) I was waiting until after I signed all of the official paper work, which I have now done, and then the end of the semester hit and things just got away from me. It hasn’t been a secret, but I just never got around to posting about it. Those I have spoken to about it know that I am very excited.
So, here it is:
Starting this fall I will be an Assistant Professor, a tenure track position, at the university I recently served at as an adjunct. I will be teaching Microbiology, Advanced Microbiology, Immunology, Molecular Biology and portions of General Biology. Additionally, I will have my own research lab, which I am in the process of setting up this summer. I am leaving out the name of the institution just in case we ever let the site get index by search engines again. I don’t want people who Google my name with the name of university to end up on the family blog. However, I think it is pretty clear below.
Here are a few photos I took during play time and a trip to the park this weekend. I tried to take a video of Laurel sliding around the edge of the table, but she ended up deciding to climb all over me instead. You can also how she ignores all the other toys laying out for water bottles. I did manage to get a video of her giggling on the swing at the park.
Dear Laurel,
It is mind boggling to think that you are already 10 months old. You have grown so much over the past month. It was just a short while ago that you first started crawling. Now, you move across the floor like a pro. You love to pull up on everything, including mommy’s legs when she comes through the door in the evenings. You have even started sliding around objects while pulling up. You will slide back and forth across the entire edge of the table trying to find the best angle to reach our phones, the remote and anything else we are trying to keep away from you by placing it in the center. Food has finally joined the long list of things that you like to stick in your mouth. You still like playing with your food, but now it does eventually makes its way to you lips. The doctor tells us your teeth will come when they come, but not to expect them anytime soon. You show very little interest in waving to anyone, but love trying to snap your fingers while clicking your tongue, which seems so much more complicated. Your “dancing” has become more animated as your interest in music continues to grow. Also, around mother’s day, mommy and I noticed that you have taken to scrunching your nose up when you laugh and smile. It is adorable.
Your favorite things at 10 months are:
I love you and I can’t wait to see what the next month brings
Last week Laurel and I celebrated Mother’s Day with first time mommy Kyllan. Unfortunately the university’s graduation, which I attended as a faculty member, was the same day at 9am. Kyllan and Laurel joined me, so that we could spend the whole day together. I had already started my post-doc when the commencement ceremony for my Ph.D. was held and I didn’t feel the need to travel back for it, so I think Kyllan enjoyed the opportunity to see me in my regalia. Several parents told me stories of how quickly the time between their child being Laurel’s age and the day’s graduation flew by. My brain can not even deal with the fact that she will one day begin talking!. After congratulating a few recent grads, the Codys were off to brunch. The food wasn’t the greatest, but it provided us with an excellent photo opp with Laurel and a spinning chair suspended from the ceiling. Later that afternoon Laurel gave her mommy a few gifts and we both showered her with hugs and kisses and told what an amazing mommy she was. Laurel then had separate video chats with both of her grandmothers over facetime to wish them happy mother’s day and to apologized for FedEx swapping their presents. Pictures of the day’s events can be found here on my Flickr page.
(This Sunday we went to on of Kyllan’s favorite brunch locations to make up for the brunch on Mother’s Day.)
Kyllan celebrated her first birthday as a mother earlier this week. To celebrate we had Lunch with Kyllan’s sister and our nephew. Later, Laurel and I threw her a birthday party complete with decorations and goodie bags. (Kyllan thinks birthday parties should have goodie bags. I don’t, but it wasn’t my party.) Laurel did a great job of picking out gifts for her mommy. She gave Kyllan several beautiful pictures. I was actually a little jealous. My gift was slightly more mundane. Kyllan and I both recently read David Allen’s Getting Things Done and we are feeling pretty energized. She received a few items to help her get started. Laurel and I are both ready to celebrate Kyllan again, this coming Sunday, on her first Mother’s Day. As always, pictures can be found on my Flickr page.