It looks like Laurel plans to start crawling any day now
It looks like Laurel plans to start crawling any day now
First time she has ever been excited about solid food!…
— CodyReport (@CodyReport) March 19, 2012
Been a little over a week with the docband. Doesn’t seem to phase her one bit.…
— CodyReport (@CodyReport) March 14, 2012
This past weekend I decided to try supplementing blog post with tweets. Kyllan and I are finding it harder and harder to find time to post to the blog and there have been so many times I have wanted to grab a quick picture or make a quick comment on something. That, and I’ve received complaints from friends that all I do is post science articles with my original twitter account. So, now I will be using @CodyReport to tweet about personal stuff. I’ll continue to post a lot of those comments to the blog, like I did this weekend.
Speaking of this weekend, my parents were in town for a visit. We had a lot of fun just hanging out. We took a Cody family walk and a trip to the park turned into an impromptu photo session with Laurel. As usual, you can find the photos on my Flickr account.
Look who’s in town!…
— CodyReport (@CodyReport) March 3, 2012
Took a trip to the park…
— CodyReport (@CodyReport) March 3, 2012
Here are a couple of videos from December that I never got around to posting. This first is us lighting the Christmas tree for Laurel. The second was our first attempt at feeding her solid foods, which didn’t go well.
Okay, break time is over. Kyllan and I return to work tomorrow. I’ll be teaching Immunology and Molecular Biology this semester, so even though classes won’t start for a couple of weeks, I have to get started on putting together lectures. We really enjoyed all the time with Laurel. A few pictures from the past few days can be found on my flickr.
Below is a video slideshow of my favorite photos of 2011 and a link to the same photos on flickr. It has been an absolutely amazing year! I can’t wait to see what 2012 brings.
Best of 2011 on flickr
Experiencing Christmas as a parent was amazing. Yes, Laurel is way too young to have really understood what was going on, and a lot of it was just us being excited to share the occasion with her, but when it comes down to it we just enjoyed seeing her smile so much. Thanksgiving and Christmas really gave Kyllan and me a chance to break the monotony of our work week schedule and allowed us to really spend some time with Laurel and enjoy all the changes she has made so quickly over the last few months. Watching her play with her new toys and enjoy interacting with Kyllan, my parents, and her aunt and uncle, truly did provide me with memories I will always hold dear. Kyllan enjoyed it so much I think she has already started planning her 1st birthday party. If you haven’t already taken a peak, pictures are up on my flickr. I should have some video of Laurel opening gifts in a few days. (It’s taking me longer because one of my gifts was a new computer.)