Time Alone Together

My parents came for a visit this weekend. Thanks to the fact that we are now using the bottle for 1 or 2 feedings a day, Kyllan and I were able to venture out together, alone, for the 1st time since Laurel’s birth. Of course we spent most of the time talking about Laurel, but it was nice to spend a little uninterrupted time together.

Below are pictures of Laurel joining us in celebrating our anniversary this past Thursday and of my mother enjoying some bonding time with her granddaughter.

Birth Photos

Now that Kyllan and I have finally managed to get some sleep, I uploaded some photos of Laurel’s birth onto my Flickr account. Don’t worry, they start after she has been cleaned off a little bit. It’s been a whirlwind couple of days with Kyllan waking up every couple of hours (or just not sleeping at all) to nurse and me going back and forth between work and the hospital. Two of us were so glad to bring Laurel home and… Okay, all we do is stare at her sleeping, change diapers and Kyllan nurses. But, it is still the most amazing thing ever. Laurel is just getting cuter by the day.

Father and Daughter