That’s right…. if you forgot from last year, my sister and I have back to back Birthdays, so we get to continue celebrating today. Happy Birthday Kim!
Author: Kyllan
10 Year Reunion
Well… obviously this week has been very exciting for me, and to top it all off, I celebrated my 10 Year High School Reunion this weekend! Wow… 10 years! The time has gone by very fast. Most of my classmates look the same (just more mature). No one was unrecognizable. About 40 out of the 97 other people who I graduated with came to the reunion, so it was great to see many people who I had not seen since graduation. The school has changed so much since we left. I went to an all girls private school, Hockaday, and it was always a step above the rest, but now…. it is incomprehensible how nice it is . The amenities and technology our first rate…better than some college campuses. I had the honor of sitting on a panel of 10 Year Reunion women who spoke to the senior class on what to expect after graduation from college. It was interesting how most of us on the panel had gone in a completely different direction than we had thought on June 6, 1998 (commencement). However, we were all pleased with where we were and our many successes. We were asked to talk about what Hockaday did not prepare us for. Two of the panelists were expecting their first child, which they explained was one thing Hockaday did not prepare them for. We were also asked to give career tips, which led to everyone discussing the importance of networking. At our reunion gathering Saturday night, we had a chance to look at a questionnaire we filled out during our senior year…”where will I be in 2008?” Here were my responses:
What will you be doing: Completing my 2nd year of residency (I wanted to be a pediatrician)
What will be your greatest accomplishment: Being a doctor
Will you be married: Yes
Will you have kids: Maybe If so, how many: 1
What will have changed most in the world in 10 years: more world peace (wow… was I in a beauty pageant?)
Who will still be famous: Tom Cruise, Cuba Gooding Jr., LeAnn Rimes
Below is a picture of me with the 7 other African American girls who I graduated with. At the time, this was the largest class of African American girls to ever graduate from Hockaday. The second picture is the from the day we “officially became seniors”, otherwise known as “Ring Day 1997”. I have posted more pictures on my Flickr page.
After a long day…The Cosby Show
To say work has been busy would be a serious understatement. Most days when I get home, I simply want to veg out on the couch (or in my case… the oversized chaise lounge in our family room is my favorite “veg out” spot). Most times I look for light-hearted comedy or something I don’t have to think about to much after a full day of analyzing things. One of my favorite shows to watch and what I consider to be the best show ever to come on television is the Cosby Show. One day, I noticed that You Tube had clips from several of my favorite episodes. There are two episodes that I really consider to be my all time favorites that make me laugh so hard that I cry. One is the Gordon Gartrell episode where Denise tries to re-create a designer shirt for Theo. The other is the episode I like to call “eh mon!” where one of Denise’s dates really gets into the reggae song on tv. Click on the links to enjoy for yourself. I promise it will make you laugh and make you temporarily forget about your long day. I love the Cosby Show!! 🙂
Happy Birthday to my favorite Scientist
Mommy, originally uploaded by William Cody Jr.
Today I am wishing a happy birthday to my wonderful husband. I was searching for a picture of him to post and decided to post a picture of him when he was younger. I think this is such a cute picture!
Almost Famous!?
So if you have not heard or seen, William and I were featured in the March 24th issue of Jet Magazine! Many people have asked why it was not a picture from the wedding day. The picture was actually taken at the reception William’s parents hosted for us in Jacksonville, FL in December. The photographer from the reception submitted the photo to Jet and they published it. My name was spelled wrong and they had the wrong information about our Honeymoon (we went to Turks and Caicos, not a Carribean Cruise), but we were just excited that we were even featured. For those who were unable to see it, see below.
Play Date with Aunt KyKy
On Saturday, Drew, my nephew, and I had a play date. We started out the afternoon at the park. Then, we went to the Build-a-Bear workshop, but since he had apparently just made one a week or so ago, we didn’t actually create another one. We searched for a cell phone for his new bear (Drew loves gadgets), but they didn’t have one he was looking for. Next Drew asked to go to the Bookstore. Drew played with the trains and then found a Cars book. He loves the movie Cars, and was not going to allow me to miss the opportunity to buy the book that came complete with small Lighting McQueen and Tow Mater cars that he could race on the floor. I decided that since it was a bit more expensive, I could perhaps read this to him and purchase another book, but when I started to read it, he leaned over and kindly says, “let’s go buy it.” Well… I couldn’t resist Drew, so we bought it. Next Drew decided that chicken nuggets and french fries were needed to refuel, so he chose Wendy’s for dinner (this worked for me since Wendy’s is generally my default Fast Food choice). Dinner was very interesting. Drew informed me that if I wanted to be fabulous, I “have to put my hair back in a pony tail”. My sister and I still have no clue where he learned this! As the saying goes… “kids say the darndest things”! We concluded our day out at another park, but the “big kids” were a bit wild and kept running over the “little kids”, so we did not stay for long. After slight resistance to taking a bath and going to bed, and several occasions where he got out of bed because he couldn’t sleep, he was soon off in dreamland, probably reflecting on the great day with Aunt KyKy.
Primary Update
Well… I guess no one wanted to talk politics 🙂 I got busy this week and did not get to follow-up after Primary day. The caucus took way longer than expected and I (along with many other people) were concerned about if the process was being done right. I didn’t get home until after 10pm. There was really no one assigned to guide it, but we fortunately had a few people that knew how it was supposed to work…kinda. They had to assign a temporary caucus president, seargent-at-arms and secretaries. I ended up volunteering to help the secretary help everyone sign the caucus sheets b/c it was more than one person could handle. They did not expect that many people to show up to the caucus. Apparently that was the most Democrats that had voted in my county ever (the county is heavily Republican and ALL of the local elected officials are Republican. There weren’t even any local democrats who ran). After all was said and done, I ended up volunteering to be a delegate that would go to the County caucus. From the County caucus, they choose delegates to go to the State Caucus, and from there they choose delegates to go to the Democratic National Convention. I probably will not go past the County, but I am looking forward to the experience and learning more about what seems to be a very complicated (and often unorganized) process. So… I still remain excited about the campaign and how our political system works (or doesn’t work). It’s also interesting to feel excited about supporting a candidate, especially being an Independent and not having a party affiliation since I first registered to vote ten years ago.
William is headed into town tonight, so it should be a great weekend. I hope everyone else has a nice weekend too!
Fired Up and Ready to Vote!
Well… Super Tuesday has finally arrived in the great state of Texas. Tomorrow I get to do the “Texas Two Step”. Texas has an interesting (and somewhat complicated) process for the Democratic Party where you vote during the hours of 7am-7pm in the primary and then you return to polls after they close to vote in the caucus (half the delegates are awarded by votes in the caucus). So.. since it is a two-step process, it has been appropriately named the Texas Two Step. I am very excited about casting my vote for Barack Obama in both the primary and the caucus. I am so glad to support a candidate I believe in and a candidate I think will best promote the interests of the working class American. I am not “blinded by his speeches” that are suppose to have me day-dreaming, but I am definitely enthusiastic about his charisma, his record as Senator, and his plans for the country (not to mention his wonderful wife Michelle that stands by his side :-)). I can’t wait to see the results of what will prove to be a pivotal day in the Democratic race. It is hard to predict what will happen tomorrow. If it is anything like the Dallas weather, you can never tell. Yesterday it was 73 degrees, and today it snowed. Yes… snowed! It will be back in the 50s tomorrow though and the 60s by Wednesday. Anyway… if you are in Texas … VOTE AND VOTE AGAIN IN THE CAUCUS! I know my family in Ohio is geared up to go to the polls tomorrow also. It is very exciting!
My husband, the hero
I just wanted to announce my husband’s heroic deed this weekend. He walked out of his apartment on Saturday and found his neighbor franticly looking for his son. He explained to William that his son never wandered from the apartment complex before, but was obviously very worried. So… William being the wonderful person that he is decided to help look for his neighbor’s son. William found the little boy playing in a ditch near the apartment. Awwww… my husband the hero!! (I am sure William’s version of the story would be better).
A true Texan
Many of you already know I grew up in Texas (we moved here to Dallas when I was 9 years old) so this is pretty much home. Well… despite being raised in Texas, there are certain Texan experiences that I have not had yet. One such experience was riding a mechanical bull. I am happy to report that I have crossed this off my list as I have now ridden a mechanical bull. A coworker of mine had a birthday party last night at a country western club, and they had one, so I could not pass up the opportunity. Below is a picture. I must say that it was pretty fun. I didn’t stay on as long as I would have liked to because I was sliding down so far to the point that I was sitting on my hand and it started to hurt, so I kinda gave in and allowed myself to be thrown off. I’ll have to try again another time, maybe when William is in town 😉