The Codys would like to remind everyone to go out and vote today.
Category: Announcements
The Thursday before last Kyllan and I attend our nephew’s kindergarten graduation. There are a few photos on my flickr account.

The weekend before last Kyllan and I were in Gainesville, Florida for a memorial service held by the University of Florida College of Medicine marking the 10th anniversary of Caroline’s death. It was a beautiful service and my family was very touched by all the sentiments that were shared. You can read about the service here.
Farewell to my 20s!
Well.. the countdown has begun and I am a little over 24 hours away from my 30th Birthday! I have truly been blessed during the past decade. I mean truly truly blessed… here is the rundown….
Age 20
Declared my major as Political Science.
Age 21
Was the maid of honor at my sister’s wedding.
Became a member of the greatest sorority in the land… Delta Sigma Theta Sorority, Inc. OOOOOOOO-OOOP!
Age 22
Graduated from Wake Forest University.
Moved to Ithaca, NY where one day while taking out the trash, I met the man I would marry 5 years later.
Started grad school at Cornell University.
Age 23
Survived grad school.
Completed a 10 week internship with a company that would later offer me a job.
Was hired for my first REAL job one week before the 1st semester was over ( I could now breathe for the 2nd semester).
Age 24
Graduated from Cornell University with a Master’s in Health Administration.
Moved to Florida to start my career in healthcare administration.
Survived 4 hurricanes (including Hurricane Charley which was a direct hit on my small town, Punta Gorda).
Became an aunt to the cutest nephew ever!!
Age 25
Received a promotion and was relocated to Dallas, my pseudo hometown (I was born in Ohio, but raised in TX).
Signed a contract to build my first house.
Watched William get down on one knee in the rain to ask me to marry him 🙂 (Awww!)
Began blogging on The Cody Report.
Age 26
Served as Interim CEO for 6 months.
Age 27
Married my favorite scientist!
Took an amazing honeymoon to Turks and Caicos, our new favorite destination.
Surprised my mother with a kitchen makeover on national television.
Celebrated by 10 year high school reunion.
Age 28
Traveled to Europe for the first time and visited 6 countries with my husband and his parents.
Celebrated my 1st wedding anniversary (someone in the middle of Mediterranean Sea).
Celebrated my mom’s 60th Birthday!
Age 29
Started a new job.
Celebrated my 2nd wedding anniversary.
Watched my husband successfully defend his thesis and earn his Ph.D.
Began living under the same roof with my husband.
I cannot wait to see what my 30s will hold. I am sure I will experience even more Joy than I did in my 20s. I am thankful to my husband, family and friends for making this such a memorable decade.
Doctors Day
Not only has Neil shared with me the fact that there is a Doctors Day, which was yesterday, he also shared with me a news story featuring his wife Tami.
Here is the link to the story
She can be found at about 1:35 into the video
State of the Family
I had planned to make a State of the Family address to coincide with President Obama’s State of the Union address, but I got tired. Kyllan says I should still make the post, so here it goes…
The last 12 months have been eventful for the Cody’s and Ladies and Gentlemen, I am proud to say, the state of the family is strong. I’ve been in Dallas for a little over 2 months and it feels like Kyllan and I were never apart. Kyllan is a few months into her not so new anymore job, which she continues to enjoy. I am a few weeks into my new job as a postdoctoral researcher, which seems to be everything I had hoped it would be.
The concerns we will face this next are familiar ones. We are focused on leading healthier lives. Kyllan hasn’t posted any recipes recently, but she has been cooking at least 5 days out of the week this entire month. Also, we are trying to visit the gym on a more frequent and regular basis. We have already lost few pounds each this month.
Okay, that is where I got tired and fell asleep. Sorry for the lack of post recently. The 2 hours I spend communing back and forth to work has absorbed a lot of my free time, but I am adjusting.
It still hasn’t sunk in. It is early Tuesday morning after Thanksgiving weekend and I am still in Dallas. No more dreading waking up early to drive to airport. No more weekend visits. I am home and home is Dallas.
So, back to the defense. The whole day was a blur. There are no photos of the defense itself. (It being an academic examination and all.) I have, however, uploaded several photos from the surrounding events. The public defense started at 1pm and the private defense ended at 4pm. The department held a small reception immediately afterward. After the reception my former PI (Advisor) took my family out to dinner. Kyllan and I managed to grab a few hours of sleep before hitching a u-haul to the back of the truck and hitting the road. When we arrived in town we had just enough time to prepare for Thanksgiving. Things are beginning to wind down but, like I said, it still hasn’t sunk in.

Today was an extremely long and stressful day, but it is finally over and I have a Ph.D. (Technically there is still some paperwork to be taken care of.) I was overwhelmed by all of the comments on the blog, e-mails and calls I received wishing me luck and telling me that they were praying for me. Words cannot express how much it meant to me and how much it helped me stay focused in the days leading up to the defense when all I wanted to do was anything but prepare. There will be pictures later. I am going to bed.
Our nephew… the superstar model!!
It is no secret that William and I have one of the cutest nephew’s in the world, and to prove it, he was booked by Neiman Marcus to appear on their website and had a photo shoot a few weeks ago!
Click here to follow the link to the Nieman Marcus website page.
As Neiman Marcus releases their winter line, more photos may be posted, so I am sure the family will be visiting the website often.
I talked to the superstar on the phone this evening and he says he seemed pleased with the photo. He was more concerned with me noticing the brown shoes he had on since apparently he asked the Neiman Marcus folks if he could keep them and was disappointed to learn he would not be able to do that.
The conversation quickly changed to his school field trip tomorrow, so it is good to know he has not let the fame go to his head. Haha. 🙂
Big Week
This is a big week for the Cody Jr. family. William defends his thesis on Friday and then we pack up the Uhaul on Saturday to make the move from Denver to Dallas. Everyone is very excited. William is obviously a tad bit stressed, but I think he will be just fine. His parents and I will be there to show our support and be ready to celebrate with him when it is all over. It should be a great weekend, but please keep us in your prayers for a successful defense on Friday and safe travels back to Dallas on Saturday and Sunday.
Thanksgiving will be an awesome celebration this year!