A couple weeks ago, William and I traveled to Cleveland for the wedding of my cousin Brandon. It was a fun weekend and a beautiful wedding. No to mention, it is always good to see family. I wish we could have stayed a few more days, but it was still nice. Pictures from the wedding weekend are posted on Flickr. Congratulations Brandon and April!
Category: Family
Last Few Photos
I finally uploaded the last of our photos form Hawaii. These pictures were taken on the last day of our cruise as we returned to Honolulu. The views from the ship were absolutely amazing.

Caroline Cody
Today would have been my sister’s 33rd birthday. If you have time, please take a few minutes to visit the page we have dedicated to her memory. It contains links to various news articles covering efforts to keep Caroline’s memory alive. This year, I added a link to an article discussing the memorial service held by the University of Florida School of Medicine this past May, the 10th anniversary of her death. The Cody family is very grateful to everyone that has supported these efforts, and to you, for taking a brief moment to read about them.
The page can be found here.
Below is a picture of the Cody Family from Christmas 1999.

More Hawaii Pictures
During the cruise, our ship spent two days docked at Nawiliwili on the island of Maui. Kyllan and I spent the first day on an amazing snorkeling trip. Swimming with and seeing the tropical fish and sea turtles was like something out of a movie. It was definitely the highlight of the trip for me. Unfortunately we didn’t have an underwater camera, so we only have a few shots on the boat. We spent day 2 of Maui at Wailea Beach. Mainly we just relaxed and enjoyed our surroundings. We did do some boogie boarding, but the waves weren’t big enough to try surfing. Later, Kyllan and I looked around the Grand Wailea, where we now plan to stay when we next visit Hawaii.
On the Big Island we docked at both Kona and Hilo. While at Kona we visited Volcanoes National Park. It was really interesting to gain an understanding of how the islands were formed and I can now tell you all about lava tubes and calderas, neither of which did I know were things before this trip. In Hilo we spent the day at beach in Anaehoomalu Bay. We did some more snorkeling and water sports, but ultimately decided to stick with the whole relaxing and doing nothing thing. And, of course, that evening Kyllan and I celebrated our 3rd anniversary.
I uploaded photos from Maui, Kona and Hilo to Flickr.

I figure this is as good of time as any to test out the blogging app on my iPhone. As I type this, Kyllan and I are siting on the beach in Maui. Yesterday we went snorkeling. It was amazing. In addition to the tropical fish, we saw about a dozen sea turtles. Tomorrow we head to Hilo where we are going to visit Volcanoes National. I already have hundreds of pictures, but no way to upload them without paying by the minute on the ship. I’m adding one from my iPhone. We will upload some more as soon as we get a chance.
The weekend before last Kyllan and I attended the 34th annual Williams family reunion in Columbus, OH. Because it was so close, Kyllan’s Parents, grandmother, a cousin and our nephew, who was visiting his grandparents, also joined us. It was good to see both sides of the family. Pictures of the weekend are up on Flickr.

The Thursday before last Kyllan and I attend our nephew’s kindergarten graduation. There are a few photos on my flickr account.

The weekend before last Kyllan and I were in Gainesville, Florida for a memorial service held by the University of Florida College of Medicine marking the 10th anniversary of Caroline’s death. It was a beautiful service and my family was very touched by all the sentiments that were shared. You can read about the service here.
Yard Sale
Kyllan and I participated in our first yard sale this weekend. We did pretty well too. The home owner’s association has, as usual, over stepped their bounds and decided that home owners can only hold a garage sale on the two days a year that they designate. One positive is that everyone knows that it is yard sell day and you get a lot of traffic. We were selling things before we could get half of it out of the house. Who knew people would want so much junk? Someone even bought my original xbox and games. We managed to clear out a lot of items and made a decent amount while we were at it. The only question is what to do with the stuff we didn’t sell. I am not putting it all back up in the attic!
The weekend before last Kyllan and I had a date night to see Date Night. We both really enjoyed it and recommend it to anyone looking to go out on a date night of their own. We also went to a work related function for Kyllan. The event included a silent auction, in which I successfully bid on a color laser printer.