Okay, break time is over. Kyllan and I return to work tomorrow. I’ll be teaching Immunology and Molecular Biology this semester, so even though classes won’t start for a couple of weeks, I have to get started on putting together lectures. We really enjoyed all the time with Laurel. A few pictures from the past few days can be found on my flickr.
Category: Family
Happy New Year!
Below is a video slideshow of my favorite photos of 2011 and a link to the same photos on flickr. It has been an absolutely amazing year! I can’t wait to see what 2012 brings.
Best of 2011 on flickr
Best Christmas Ever!
Experiencing Christmas as a parent was amazing. Yes, Laurel is way too young to have really understood what was going on, and a lot of it was just us being excited to share the occasion with her, but when it comes down to it we just enjoyed seeing her smile so much. Thanksgiving and Christmas really gave Kyllan and me a chance to break the monotony of our work week schedule and allowed us to really spend some time with Laurel and enjoy all the changes she has made so quickly over the last few months. Watching her play with her new toys and enjoy interacting with Kyllan, my parents, and her aunt and uncle, truly did provide me with memories I will always hold dear. Kyllan enjoyed it so much I think she has already started planning her 1st birthday party. If you haven’t already taken a peak, pictures are up on my flickr. I should have some video of Laurel opening gifts in a few days. (It’s taking me longer because one of my gifts was a new computer.)

Laurel made her first trip out of Texas and first plane ride two weekends ago when we traveled to Jacksonville, Florida to spend Thanksgiving with my parents. We were so nervous about how she would handle the trip, but she slept the entire way down and back! We had a great time with my parents. They were amazed at how much Laurel grew over the past month. We had Thanksgiving diner on Thursday, of course, did a “little” black Friday shopping on Friday and Laurel entertained a few family friends on Friday. Pictures from the weekend can be found here.

A couple of weekends ago our good friends Jamaal and Maya made the trip down to Dallas to meet Laurel. Jamaal was a little nervous to hold Laurel, but quickly found that it wasn’t difficult at all. She was on her best behavior, and we cleaned up pretty good before they got here, so they didn’t get a chance to actually see just how much out lives have been turned upside down. After a busy week, I finally got around to uploading some of the photos.

Baby Talk
Laurel is now 15 weeks old. It is amazing to see just how much she has grown. She has been cooing for a few weeks now, but more recently she has become down right talkative. Here is a video of Laurel telling us about her day.
Pink October
The Jacksonville edition of the Florida Times Union has been featuring letters from breast cancer survivors as part of breast cancer awareness month. Here is a link to my mother’s article.