Laurel is finally home.
Category: Family
Kyllan is currently in labor. We anxiously await Laurel’s arrival. We will keep everyone posted.
No new developments. We are still waiting for baby Laurel’s arrival.
36 Weeks
I can’t believe how fast time has flown by, especially this last month. Things have been pretty busy around here the past few weeks. I am teaching this summer, essentially giving two lectures and two labs every day with the pace of the summer session, and Kyllan has been trying to get as much done at work as possible before she starts maternity leave. Of course there has also been a lot of preparing for baby… Actually, I think that is all that we do now when we are home. We have completed most of our to-do list over the past 3 weeks. All the clothes washed and put away. Strollers and bassinets have been assembled. Car seats have been tested and diaper bags packed. Yesterday I cleaned the carpets and today we reorganized our kitchen cabinets to make room for all of the baby stuff.
Nursery Reveal
By now I think that everyone knows that I decorated the nursery for baby Laurel and that I did a reveal for Kyllan on her birthday. Miraculously, she didn’t peek once during the entire process. Below is the video of the nursery reveal and Kyllan’s reaction. Also, there is a second video where Kyllan and I talk about our favorite parts of the nursery. Both can be played in HD if you change the settings in the corner of video. Also, a few pictures are on my flickr page.
The Shower
Kyllan’s Baby shower is this weekend. I say Kyllan’s baby shower, and not our baby shower, because I was not invited. Both our parents will be in town for the event, as well as a few out of state friends we don’t get to see very often. (We don’t see the ones in state enough either.) I’ve been busy trying to wrap up the semester and Kyllan is always buys, so we haven’t had much time to really do baby related stuff recently. It will be great to have a chance to share our excitement with everyone. I know that one of the shower events is going to be watching the nursery reveal video. At this point, Kyllan is the only person other than me that has seen it. I will post the same video to the site sometime this weekend, after the shower.
Happy Mother’s Day
Happy Mother’s Day to our moms… Sandra Brown and Betty Cody!! We love you!!
They are getting a special Mother’s Day gift today… they are finding out the name of their new granddaughter due this July!! More to come….
Joyful Occasion
Kyllan and I were in Jacksonville this past weekend to help my mother celebrate 5 years of cancer survival. My mother enjoys 3 things in life: family, friends and dancing, and that is exactly how she decided to mark the occasion. Everyone in attendance at the “Pink Party” was someone that reached out to her or provided solace while she was receiving treatment. Food, live music, champagne toast, a dance tribute by two little kids (making an encore performance from the wedding) and something called the “pink ribbon dance,” which I am pretty sure was a Betty original, made it an event to be remembered. As always, pictures can be found on my Flickr. (There was a photographer at the event, so I didn’t capture everything. Hopefully there will be more photos to come.)