Here are some photos from Elliott’s 1st birthday party. We had a few friends in the neighborhood over for the party. It was our first real attempt at entertaining in the house and it was really nice to share the occasion. The theme was robots, a take on his bedroom theme of robots and rockets. (I think for birthday #2 we will do a rocket theme.) No injuries this year! Pictures can be found here.
This past Saturday Kyllan and I held a party for Laurel’s first birthday. There was cake, balloons, presents, and a beautiful 1 year old girl. We had a wonderful time celebrating the occasion with friends and family at out home. Laurel had a great time too, up until the “incident.” Laurel is okay now. During the party a young guest was giving Laurel a hug when one of the two girls tripped. When they feel over Laurel hit her forehead on the entertainment center. There was a lot of blood. One of the things I learned when I became a farther was that there existed an entire range of human emotion that I had not yet experienced. For the most part these new emotional experiences have been that of joy and wonder. This was fear. It was Laurel’s first injury and while she may have quickly recovered, her mother and I did not. It was traumatic…
During a unscheduled 1 hour intermission we started discussing the items going into Laurel’s time capsule. When she emerged from her room we tried to give Laurel her first piece of cake, but she, understandably, was not in the mood. We moved on to presents and Laurel slowly begun to perk back up. By the end of the evening she was back to her old self and even gave the cake another try.
There are several photos from the party on my flickr. A large band-aid does appear in the middle of the set.
A couple of weekends ago our good friends Jamaal and Maya made the trip down to Dallas to meet Laurel. Jamaal was a little nervous to hold Laurel, but quickly found that it wasn’t difficult at all. She was on her best behavior, and we cleaned up pretty good before they got here, so they didn’t get a chance to actually see just how much out lives have been turned upside down. After a busy week, I finally got around to uploading some of the photos.
Kyllan and I were in Jacksonville this past weekend to help my mother celebrate 5 years of cancer survival. My mother enjoys 3 things in life: family, friends and dancing, and that is exactly how she decided to mark the occasion. Everyone in attendance at the “Pink Party” was someone that reached out to her or provided solace while she was receiving treatment. Food, live music, champagne toast, a dance tribute by two little kids (making an encore performance from the wedding) and something called the “pink ribbon dance,” which I am pretty sure was a Betty original, made it an event to be remembered. As always, pictures can be found on my Flickr. (There was a photographer at the event, so I didn’t capture everything. Hopefully there will be more photos to come.)
The BallroomBill & Betty Gettin' Down!2 1/2 Generations of Codys
Kyllan and I attended the wedding of good friends this weekend. We had a great time and wish the new couple the best of luck! Pictures on can be found on my Flickr page.
Kyllan and I were in Chicago last month to help our good friend Jamaal celebrate his birthday. I was a little slow uploading photos, but they are now on flickr.
Not only has Neil shared with me the fact that there is a Doctors Day, which was yesterday, he also shared with me a news story featuring his wife Tami.
Our good friends Maya and Jamaal flew down to visit this past weekend. We spent Friday catching up with one another. Saturday morning we gave them a quick tour of Dallas and, of course, took them on the obligatory trip to Pinkberry. Kyllan and Maya spent the afternoon at the spa. Saturday night Jamaal and I attended the Pacquiao v. Clottey fight at Cowboys Stadium. We arrived early enough to watch several under cards andhad a great time. I hate to admit it, but even with good seats we spent the majority of the evening watching the enormous screen. I took plently of pictures and will try to have them up by the end of this weekend.