A good friend recently complained about my neglect of a certain announcement on the blog. I had every intention of announcing it on the blog and even took a picture of Laurel to go along with the announcement. (No, Laurel is not going to be a big sister. At least not anytime soon… As far as we know.) I was waiting until after I signed all of the official paper work, which I have now done, and then the end of the semester hit and things just got away from me. It hasn’t been a secret, but I just never got around to posting about it. Those I have spoken to about it know that I am very excited.
So, here it is:
Starting this fall I will be an Assistant Professor, a tenure track position, at the university I recently served at as an adjunct. I will be teaching Microbiology, Advanced Microbiology, Immunology, Molecular Biology and portions of General Biology. Additionally, I will have my own research lab, which I am in the process of setting up this summer. I am leaving out the name of the institution just in case we ever let the site get index by search engines again. I don’t want people who Google my name with the name of university to end up on the family blog. However, I think it is pretty clear below.