106th General Meeting

I have just arrived in Orlando Florida for the American Society for Microbiology’s 106th general meeting. I will be here until May 25th. This is going to be an exciting week. I have a poster presentation on Wednesday, but other than that I will be checking out symposiums and keynote speakers. I will also be spending a lot of time at other posters. Just for the record, getting my poster printed was hell… I’ll get to story later. I have to go pick up my registration pack.

Seminar and ASM

If you don’t know the real reason I started this blog, it was because I had a seminar presentation coming and needed something to do while procrastinating. Well, that seminar has now come and gone. I presented a good portion of what will become the first specific aim of my thesis dissertation to the department yesterday. Even though I waited until the last minute to prepare for it, it went pretty well. I usually judge my presentations by the questions I receive afterwards (including those from my PI). If I get none, I lost everyone in the audience. I probably got a few more than I was expecting, but they were good and everyone seemed interest. I’ve been scrambling to produce data for the American Society for Microbiologist (ASM) General Meeting, which will take place May 21-25th in Orlando. I still have two more experiments I would like to complete for the poster presentation I will give there. I know I can get one done before the poster goes out to print, but I am unsure about the second… I will be working on those this weekend while catching up on video game time… What happened to my gamercard in the bottom right hand corner? I will have to fix that this weekend.