
Kyllan and I enjoyed the Super Bowl. Of course we didn’t have very much invested since neither of our teams were playing, but it was a good game. As always, there were good commercials. Our favorites were Doritos: The Best Part, Volkswagen: The Force and Bridgestone: Reply All. What were your favorites?

(Turn off the autoplay, or ads will just keep playing)

Yard Sale

Kyllan and I participated in our first yard sale this weekend. We did pretty well too. The home owner’s association has, as usual, over stepped their bounds and decided that home owners can only hold a garage sale on the two days a year that they designate. One positive is that everyone knows that it is yard sell day and you get a lot of traffic. We were selling things before we could get half of it out of the house. Who knew people would want so much junk? Someone even bought my original xbox and games. We managed to clear out a lot of items and made a decent amount while we were at it. The only question is what to do with the stuff we didn’t sell. I am not putting it all back up in the attic!

The weekend before last Kyllan and I had a date night to see Date Night. We both really enjoyed it and recommend it to anyone looking to go out on a date night of their own. We also went to a work related function for Kyllan.  The event included a silent auction, in which I successfully bid on a color laser printer.


Okay… Not to get your expectations up or anything, but Avatar lived up to the hype. You need to go see this movie tonight. Right now. Pay the extra money and go see the IMAX 3D Experience version*. It was absolutely amazing. The limits of my imagination were shattered. A new benchmark in special effects has been set. This is what it must have felt like to grow up watching black and white TV and then see a color broadcast for the first time. And yes, Kyllan loved it too. It wasn’t just me.

If you see it, let us know what you think. Neal has already indicated that it is the best movie he has ever seen.

*As opposed to the “Digital 3D” or 2D versions. Theaters with the IMAX digital screen and not the traditional 65mm large format screen are fine. If you don’t know what I am talking about, don’t worry about it. Just go to a theater and showtime for Avatar: An IMAX 3D experience.

Frog Princess

Kyllan and I had another movie night this past weekend. It was a little late, so we passed on the 2 1/2  hour long Transforms 2 and opted for Land of the Lost. It was bad. It was so bad that we had to call a redo. Sunday saw Disney’s The Princess and the Frog. I’m not really the demographic so it’s should come as no surprise that I have never really been a big fan of the Disney princess movies. This one, however, was pretty good. It was a cute story and the main character wasn’t a useless girl waiting for her prince to come save her. I also liked  the return to 2D animation. It made me feel a little nostalgic. Still, I need to watch a movie with explosions some time very soon.

We put up the Christmas tree a little while ago, but I never posted any pictures. The only one I took was of Kyllan putting the angel on the tree when we were done decorating. I will have to take some more photos later.

The Cody Family Christmas Tree
The Cody Family Christmas Tree

The 4th

Kyllan was in Denver this past weekend for the 4th. We had a great time hanging out time together and just relaxing. We managed to catch two movies, The Proposal and Public Enemies, while she was here. Interestingly, I found The Proposal very entertaining and didn’t really care for Public Enemies. The Proposal didn’t do anything new, but it was executed well. As predictable as The Proposal was, somehow the characters were more developed than in Public Enemies. I thought that Public Enemies had some great acting and cinematography, but the story didn’t do anything for me. It tried to  do too much with too many characters and the lack of focus left me bored.

Kyllan’s trainer was happy to hear that we continued going to the gym while she was here. We did manage to eat out quite a bit, but we keep an eye on our portion sizes.

Random Post #9

I don’t have anything to post about. I just wanted to let everyone know that we are still here and doing well.

The Hangover is the funniest movie I’ve seen all year, however, I wouldn’t recommend it to my parents.)

Kyllan saw the new Star Trek movie a second time. You read that right, she saw it twice!

My old high school, Stanton College Preparatory School, was recently ranked the #4 public school in the country by Newsweek.

I was not all that excited about the new iPhone. The best thing about it is the price drop on its predecessor.

I really like Hulu Desktop. Broadcast TV and cable are just one step closer to being dead.

One of Us

Finally! Kyllan now has an iPhone. Well… sort of. Her company phone is now an iPhone. I have been amazed by how much she likes it. She spent the weekend trying out a bunch of different apps; Some which I recommended and others she found on her own. For the iPhone users out there, which apps do you like? My favorite apps are listed below.

WeatherBug: Weather Forcast (Kyllan prefers AccuWeather’s app)

Tipulator: calculates how to split the check & tip for a large party (at $0.99, it is my only paid app)

USA Today & Mobile News: News

Yelp: Location based restaurant guide and reviews(Kyllan perfers open table, which I haven’t used yet)

Flixster: Location based movie times

iPhlix: Netflix queue management

Lose It!: Meal Diary with a nice graphic user interface.

Tripit: Trip itinararies from , which I think is a great site.

Bloomberg: Stocks: It’s more advanced then the deafult Apple stock app

Amazon:’s app. I like to compare prices when I am out and about

Birthday Fun

I had a great time in Dallas this past weekend.  We did a lot of good eating at some of my favorite restaurants. I was in town for 5 days so we had time for a couple more movies than usual. I really enjoyed Monster vs. Aliens in 3-D. We saw it at the IMAX. It was no Toy Story, but if you have small children, or a child at heart like me, you should check it out a 3D viewing. (Make sure it says 3D when selecting the time & theater. Most theaters are not showing  the 3D version, and those that are only showing it on one screen.) We also saw I Love You Man. It was pretty good, but you can wait until it comes out on video. Duplicity was horribe. Do not see that movie under any circumstances. (My father happens to agree with me.) Kyllan surprised me with Dinner at Ruth Chris and we spent the night on the town. Here are a few photos from the weekend.

Dinner at Ruth Chris
Dinner at Ruth Chris

Random Post #11

Last week was crazy. Along with meeting with my dissertation committee, which went very well, I had jury duty. Amazingly, I was selected to serve on the actual jury. (Why would anyone ever put me on a jury for a criminal case?) The case was over in one day, so it wasn’t to bad. Also, someone made a mistake at work that I spent an entire day fixing. I wasn’t able to start anything that resembled a normal workday until Friday, which was to late to really accomplish anything.

The series finale for one of my favorite shows of all time, Battlestar Galactica, aired Friday. It was a 2 hour special. I really enjoyed the action packed 1st hour where most the storylines were brought to a close, but just sort of liked the 2nd hour which… okay, I’m not sure what exactly was going on there. I think it was some sort of exposition on man and technology.

Battlestar Galactica (The “reimagined version, not the 80’s version) is my 2nd favorite TV series of all time, behind HBO’s The Wire and in front of the BBC show MI-5 (Spooks in the UK.) If you haven’t seen any of these shows, or are unfamiliar with them, I highly recommend checking them out.

If anyone is wondering, I did see Watchmen the week before last. I absolutely loved it, but I think it may be a difficult movie to enjoy if you are not a fan of the graphic novel.

Super Bowl Ads

Who would have thought that the Super Bowl would actually be better than the ads! The ads were lackluster again this year, but there were a few that I enjoyed. Which ads made your list? Catch ads you may have missed below and see our favorites below that.

How could you not like this one?

Kyllan LMAO

I thought this was funny

By far, this was our favorite

and just because (w/ scene by scene break down here)