Elliott is 1 month old!

Today Elliott is 1 month old.  I am not surprised at how fast the first month went by considering how fast Laurel’s first month went.  I read the post I made when Laurel turned 1 month old and it was pretty similar to how Elliott’s first month has been minus the stress of being a first time mom.  I still visit many of the same sites I was visiting then, particularly kellymom.com and babycenter.com, however, I do not spend all day on the sites like I was with Laurel.  I certainly feel much more relaxed this time around.  Being a mom of two is certainly more challenging than being a mom of one and is something I am adjusting to, but I am learning as I go along.  The hardest part is trying to ensure Laurel still gets her one on one time but still be available for Elliott.  To keep her routine familiar, she still goes to daycare during the day, so when she comes home I try to coordinate it so that Elliott is napping or at least settled so I can put him down and sit with her while she eats dinner and spend time playing, cuddling, reading, or whatever she is interested in that evening.  It seems to be working fairly well, but I think she certainly senses that Elliott is stealing some of her “mommy time”.  She does seem to enjoy being a big sister and enjoys “holding” Elliott, so as he gets older and more active, there will be more opportunity to involve Laurel and help her understand how important her big sister role is.

Elliott is doing great.  He is growing…fast!  He has his 1 month check-up tomorrow, so we’ll get he weight and length, but I tried to weigh him this morning and I think he is 11lbs!!  Laurel was only 8lbs, 14 oz at 1 month old.  I shouldn’t be surprised considering he wakes up every 2 to 2 1/2 hours around the clock to eat.  Its pretty exhausting, but I am realizing that he is still young and trying to enjoy every moment.  It’s hard for me to even recall how sleep deprived I felt with Laurel, so I know the time will past quickly and my sleepless nights will be a faint memory.

I think most people think he looks like William, but we stopped by my workplace after my doctor’s appointment yesterday and many of my co-workers felt he looked like me.  I will have to get William to post a photo of him as a baby next to Elliott to compare, but I think Elliott has his eyes and nose and maybe other features.  It does seem that it will be pretty obvious that Laurel and Elliott are siblings.  Though she has some of my features, I still think she looks more like William and looking back at her photos from this age, they look very similar.  His personality seems more like William’s, quiet and laid back, but I think I thought the same thing about Laurel and she is certainly not quiet :-).  Elliott doesn’t cry much right now, but when he does wake up in the middle of the night for a feeding, he cries very loud as if we are not going to hear him.  Fortunately, he settles pretty quickly when we pick him up.  If only I could get him to sleep 3+ hours at a time!!

More to come soon.  Photos from the past month are below and on William’s Flickr page.










Elliott’s Birth Story (Sunnyside Up)

It always seems to happen on a Saturday night…..

Many of you may have heard that I was scheduled to be induced on Sunday night, May 19th so I could deliver on Monday, May 20th.  I had just completed a busy week at work feverishly trying to tie up loose ends and hand off projects so I could enjoy my time off.  At home, William and I created a list of last minute things to do prior to Elliott’s arrival.  The list included some household chores as well as baby preparations like installing the car seat bases, pre-washing the clothes, and most importantly, packing our hospital bags.  Yes, these are all tasks that we completed a month in advance before Laurel’s birth.  🙂

We spent Saturday morning running our last minute errands and the afternoon I had a little bit of “Kyllan” time while William and Laurel attended a biology department reception for the seniors who were graduating the next day from the University of Dallas where William teaches.   They had only been home for a short time and I was just pulling a load of Elliott’s clothes out of the dryer when I had one of those “what just happened ” moments.  My shorts were suddenly wet and I was trying to figure out if I had just lost control of my bladder or if my water broke.  I didn’t experience a “gush” like they always show on tv or in the movies, so I had no idea what to think.  William was just about to head out to get my car washed and fill the gas tank so his mom who was scheduled to arrive the next day could use the car while she was here.  I told him that I thought my water broke, but I wasn’t certain.  I told him to go ahead to get the car washed, but while he was gone, it became very apparent that my water had indeed broke.  I sent William a text message to let him know what was going on and called my OB.  I then called my mom and sister since we needed someone to stay with Laurel while William and I went to the hospital.  Let me just interject here that walking around the house while your water is breaking and trying to keep up with a toddler is not fun.  Laurel decided to “wash her hands” with her Pedialyte (she was running a fever the night before).  She decided the sofa made a nice place to wash her hands 🙂

But I digress…

Once my mom arrived at the house and was able to keep Laurel occupied, William and I began packing our hospital bags, which we had planned to do later that evening in preparation for checking in to the hospital the next day for induction.  Between making sure we had everything situated with Laurel, everything we needed for the hospital, and trying to tidy up the house a bit, it took us about 2 hours before we actually left for the hospital.

We arrived to the hospital around 7:30pm.  I still had not started having contractions yet and I was only 2cm dilated (the same as I had been at my OB appointment previously that week).  My OB decided we would wait until 10pm to start the Pitocin, so I was able to get a quick meal in before the labor process started.  Of all things, I had William go to Wendy’s to get a chicken sandwich and fries 🙂

At 10pm, we started the Pitocin.  I started having contractions pretty quickly, but they were not strong nor painful at first.  Every 30 minutes, the dose was increased and for several hours, but they still were not strong.  A few hours later, maybe around 3am, the contractions finally got to the point where I was starting to feel uncomfortable and had to use my breathing techniques and go to my happy place to make it through the contractions.  I requested the epidural and once that was in place, I was at 5 1/2cm and much more comfortable.  It seemed like I quickly progressed to 10cm and we were ready to meet our son.  My OB headed in to the hospital and a short time later, we began pushing.

I was pretty amazed how comfortable I was during the labor and delivery phase.  The only time I was really in any pain was for about 2 hours when the contractions picked up and the epidural kicked in.  This was much different than with Laurel when my epidural never really worked how I imagined it would and I was not in a lot of pain, but I certainly was not comfortable.  The pushing process took a bit longer than I had hoped, but again, no pain.  In fact, we ended up stopping the epidural so I could feel the contractions a bit better to help push out the baby.  After about an hour of pushing, Elliott came out at 6:28am… sunny side up…. with his eyes wide open.  🙂  Generally babies are born with their face down, but Elliott had apparently rotated in the birth canal and was born face up, which apparently is not easy and can put baby and mom at risk, but fortunately everything worked out great and he came out without much fuss.  We spent the first hour or so getting some good quality skin to skin time and time to nurse before the nurses came in to weigh, measure, bathe, and do all the routine exams and checks.

Laurel came later that day to meet her new baby brother.  I think she was still a bit confused, but certainly intrigued.  Fortunately, she has adjusted well to the new addition to the family.  William’s mom has been here at the house, so that has certainly helped ensure she is getting lots of attention, so I think that has worked in our favor and helped tremendously with the transition.  The true test will come next week when it’s just the 4 of us here at the house, but I am very hopeful that she will continue to adjust well.  The burden will be on us to make sure we are still giving her ample “Laurel” time.  She loves reading and going outside, so as long as we continue to make that a priority, I think we will be ok.  She generally asks about Elliott when she comes home, but most times he is sleeping, so she goes to the bassinet to check on him, pats him and goes back to her usual routine.

So now we are a family of 4 with a son and a daughter and I certainly feel our family is complete and I have an abundance of joy when I look at Laurel and Elliott.  I experienced a few health issues this pregnancy and it certainly seemed like it took a greater toll on my body than it did with Laurel, so after being blessed with a healthy girl and a healthy boy, we have decided our family is complete.

Now the fun begins… 🙂






Elliott’s Birth

Here are some photos from Elliot’s birth. He is a handsome little man with a full head of hair. Kyllan and Elliott hope to be discharged tomorrow. Kyllan plans to post his birth story soon.

Elliott William Cody


Meeting Big Sister


“Can I Hold Him?”


The Cody Family




Last of the Photos I Never Got Around to Uploading

Here are the last of the photos I have been intending to upload. I thought that I was going to get them posted before Elliott’s birth, but he had other plans. The photos include a surprise birthday party I threw for Kyllan, Kyllan’s actual birthday, and mother’s day. These pictures feature some extra Laurel cuteness, which is good because she will be sharing the spotlight from now on.

Birthday Girl
The Perfect Birthday Card
Big Shoes To Fill
Girly Girl
Covered in Chalk





More Photos I never uploaded

It has been an eventful few weeks since my last post, but all is well in the Cody house. I still have a bunch of photos I have not uploaded. Below are few photos from my dad’s birthday, my birthday, and Easter. At some point this weekend I will upload photos from Kyllan’s surprise birthday party.

Dad’s Birthday
Easter Egg Hunt



Photo Backlog

Not only have Kyllan and I been sporadic with our posting, until this week, we had not posted photos to Flickr this entire year. Photos spanning New Year’s to my mother’s birthday at the end of February have been uploaded. A few of the shots, like New Year’s, are in the apartment we stayed in between houses. You can also catch glimpses of the new house in the later photos, which will post about soon. The photos can be seen here.

Valentine’s Day Card
Hard at Work
Bebe’s Birthday



Christmas Photos

I know it is almost 3 months later, but here are the photos last Christmas that I never posted. Up until the 2nd week in December we thought that we would be moving into the new house just days after Christmas. We didn’t do a lot of decorating, but we had a tree and stockings. Laurel was very excited Christmas morning, but quickly ran out of energy. She decided to take a nap in the middle of opening gifts. By the time she woke, it was time to leave for Aunt Kim’s house for dinner. The next morning she was too busy playing with gifts she already opened, so there were a few things she did not open until 2 days later. My parents came down the week before Christmas to spend a few days with Laurel as well. All the photos from the week of Christmas can be found here.

The Codys
Opening Gifts
Four Generations




Catching Up

It has been a while since I last made a post. Things have been great for the Codys in 2013, but they have also been extremely busy. What little free time we had was spent trying to get the new house in order. We have finally started to reestablish our daily routine, which includes making post on the blog. I am literally uploading our Christmas photos right this very minute and plan to upload others this week, including our trip to the Perot Museum of Nature and Science with Kyllan’s mom and Drew. Yes, I know. We are well into March and I am just now uploading Christmas photos. I will post a link on the blog tomorrow.  Needless to say, Laurel has grown like a weed since those photos. We have actually taken relatively few photos so far this year, but we do have some we would like to share. I have no idea when I will get to the Christmas video.