Turbo Kick!

So.. yesterday for the first time in 4 months, I returned to the gym and began working out again. Yea me! I am really glad that I did because I have realized how much I enjoyed going to the gym and how much it helps me to relieve stress. I used to enjoy working out on the elliptical machine, but last year I discovered the turbo kickboxing class they have at the gym I go to, Lifetime Fitness (love this gym!). Not only is the class a great workout, it is a fun class and keeps me motivated to go to the gym and I never thought I would enjoy kickboxing. Yes… I know that somehow my motivation was lost for 4 months, but one of the reasons was that after moving, I am now 20 minutes away from the gym as opposed to 5 minutes. There are a few other reasons as well, but I won’t go into that now. The start of a new year is always a good time to start afresh, so I decided to go back to working out again. I hope now I will keep my motivation to go. I am already contemplating whether to enter a group fitness challenge to lose up to 10lbs and 10 inches in 10 days by committing to working out for 10 consecutive days and eating healthier foods, although I think the goal of the challenge is to develop habits and establish healthier eating patterns than to just lose weight. It starts next Tuesday. If I chose to participate, I will keep everyone updated on my progress. I doubt I would lose 10 lbs, but any loss is good. My goal is to lose 10-15lbs over the next few months and then maintain it from there, so if I can jump start it with this, that would be great. I have several clothes that are not fitting as well as they did before, so it would be great for them to fit like they did when I first purchased them. Not to mention that all important dress that I need to make sure I fit into on September 8th! However, it is more about getting in shape and trying to stay healthy. (WARNING: girly comment ahead) It is just me or does it seem like once you hit 25, all the weight begins going straight to your thighs! Ahh! Hopefully my body at age 27 will treat me a little better this year. I hope anyone else with fitness goals is successful as well! I definitely recommend finding a class you like and using that to motivate you. Classes keep you on a schedule and helps the time pass much faster.

7 thoughts on “Turbo Kick!

  1. Kyllan I applaud you for getting healthy for the new year. I haven’t found a babysitter and class that conincide, yet. But I’m working on it. I too also want to get healthy for the New Year so for now I work with what I have I strap on Noah in my baby carrier and go for walks around the neighborhood. Nothing like an extra 13 lbs to make you sweat πŸ™‚ Don’t worry about fitting into “the dress” I worried about that too. By the time my wedding rolled around I had worried and run so many errands that my dress actually ended up being a little loose. After 25 the fat definitely deposits on the hips/thighs not to mention what happens after having a baby. But at least we can look like woman and not girls. Take care.

  2. Way to go Kyllan! I need to work out too. For general health. I feel so much better, but I can’t convince myself that waking up at 5 am to work out is more important than sleep. πŸ™‚ I’ll be cheering you on from the comfort of my nice, warm bed.

    I am very thankful that I finally look like a woman, too. Though, unlike most, my weight has decided to vacation on my stomach and hips.

  3. Go Kyllan!

    While in Chicago, I frequented a lights out boxing course. It was intense, I loved it! I even got to wrap up my hands and everythig… I also went to a Yoga Pilates class that felt like a spa, only it was truly a great workout…Haven’t found a new gym yet, but there is an ellipticalmachine in our apartment’s gym. I have definitely improved with my eating habits, and yes Kyllan, after 25, all food gets the memo that there is a meeting in the thigh area, haha!

  4. Tami- I am sure that extra 13 lbs does provide a good workout! I hope you are enjoying motherhood and Noah is letting you and Neil get some sleep at night.
    Nikki- I am DEFINITELY in my bed too at 5am. I only go workout after I leave work. I have trouble getting out of bed once the alarm goes off. The snooze button is my best friend!
    Joscelyne- I have been tempted to try the Yoga Pilates, but it hasn’t drawn enough of my interest yet. Elliptical machine’s are great. That use to be my favorite until the kickboxing class.

    I appreciate the support and comments. William told me my post was too “girly”. I knew he was going to say that too, but I would not fuss if he made a post about XBOX 360!

  5. This is a girly posting- Yes, after 25, all weight stops below the waist. So you go girl and get that body in shape for that beautiful dress.

    I have a picture of the dress your father selected from a website on “Mother -of -the -Bride-Dresses. It’s beautiful and a little form fitting. In order for me to wear that dress, I’ll have to do pilates three days per week for the next seven months. The weather in Cleveland has been very mild with no snow.Can you believe that? no snow in Cleveland. So your dad and I are both exercising more and eating less.

    Keep up the good work.

    Love You

  6. Congrats on getting back into the gym! It sounds like we were on a similar type of hiatus. It was like once fall hit I didn’t make it into the gym! But now that I’m back in town after a relaxing New Year’s I’ve gone 3 times this week. It’s been a great way to break up the day, so I’m sure you can do the 10 day challenge.

    And by the way you guys aren’t making me look forward to 25! That’s supposed to be my next exciting point in life (you know it’s the age to rent cars in California, very exciting, lol)

  7. Cherie- didn’t mean to make you think 25 is a bad year. Just consider it a heads up for what’s to come so you won’t get discouraged!
    Congrats to you too on getting back to the gym.
    Mom- I am glad you found a dress you like. I am sure it will fit you just fine too. Remember, you don’t have to eat less… just smarter/healthier. Skipping meals is not good for you either and I know you tend to get busy and skip meals!

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